So like...I suddenly and abruptly found myself in Chicago for three days this past weekend doing crazy and once-in-a-lifetime things, hence my similarly sudden and abrupt lack of doing anything. But I'm back now, and will get a post (and Irene's CS) up soon...! [quote=@HylianRose] Didn't plan on a reboot. Wouldn't mind one or two more people to come in, but we're fine as is. Adding more right now would just muddy things up anyway. -shrugs- If you guys want me to invite more people in actively, I'll do so. If not, I'm fine with cruising along as we are. I believe the people here right now are the ones that seem genuinely dedicated to the RP and want to see it continue so I'm kosher.[/quote] Yo. Let's cruise. [quote]On that note, I'm going to go purchase my first alcoholic beverage tomorrow with friends so ye... I also have a shit ton of stuff to read for classes so that'll be fun. Drunk reading. Should be profitable, right? Yeah. I'll just hold on to that lie. [/quote] Purchase? Lol. You do your 21st right when you don't have to spend a dime - that's what friends are for. :D (Also wine makes everything better)