The mewling of the one called Shin transcended the sanctuary of his room. A thousand Dreamers began debating the words. Names? Had Shin merely asked, most Dreamers agreed that his opponent, Ruchette Vorsalusin in all likelihood would have graced him the answer to that question. Stirrings deep in the Galdhr, Dreamers turned their attention towards the word Assassin. Many mulled it over, studying the various definitions throughout the multitude of space and time, concluding that the word held roughly the same meaning through the multiverse. That seemingly sparked another debate, as the Dreamers contemplated the concept of a killer who struck for political reasons. Was there or could there be political ramifications for his presence at this event? Could his symbolic killing of his opponents spark some political event that the Dreamers had overlooked? Deep in darkness of the eternal dreams, fragments of reality were pulled forth and assembled in a myriad of combinations, each a spoke radiating out from Shin, being traced through hundreds of thousands of generations with no implicit and observable effect. The last statement, that the man had forgotten his staff brought amusement from the Dreamers. Clearly the man had left the staff at his place of summoning, had left it where he had waited for LeeRoy in their repetitive struggle where nothing came of it. The fragment of reality where he appeared in the Nexus replayed over and over where each nanosecond was analyzed with great care. In the end the Dreamers agreed the man had left his staff, he had become overzealous in his excitement. This fact sparked another debate among the Dreamers as the quality of combatant this man might be. To be so distracted that he forgot a weapon spoke of his mindset. He was easily excitable and prone to making errors. Perhaps his opponent might find a way to similarly rattle Shin and extract a victory, perhaps not. Only time would tell. A knock on Shin’s door, followed by a sultry voice as an attractive cyclops poked her head in, [color=fdc68a]“Sire your next fight is about to begin. Good Luck.” [/color]