[center][img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Carnage27/hellboy-day-banner_zps1mymolbw.jpg[/img][/center] Hellboy drummed the large fingers of his right hand on the kitchen table as he waited for the local sheriff. He hated having to deal with the local authorities. Most of them were dumber than a cave troll and slower than a zombie with no legs. Plus they stared at his horns the entire time they talked to him. He hated when people stared at his horns. He filed them down for a reason, damn it. It’s not his fault he was born with the damn things. After discovering the boy’s journal, Hellboy had sent Liz and some of the other human agents out to survey the police about who this “Freddy” could be. So far, none of them were willing to give up any information, but one thing was certain, the mere question about his name brought a look of fear over the lot of them.That was enough to tell Red he needed to get involved. If they weren’t going to talk to his men, someone was certainly going to talk to him. He could hear shuffling and a person pushed into the room. The sheriff, Hellboy figured, froze at the sight of the demon, “Y-y-y-y-you…” “I’m a demon,” Red rolled his eyes as exaggeratedly as he could. “I know. Now, sit. We need to talk.” The officer drew his gun and pointed it at Red, “You’re the one doing all this, aren’t you!?” Hellboy sighed deeply, “Yes. It was me, which is why I’m sitting around at the family I just murdered’s kitchen table. I also control the government agency who was asking you and your men about Freddy just to absorb some local color. Sit down ya moron. We’ve gotta talk.” The cop holstered his weapon and sat down across from Hellboy nervously. He, of course, looked up at the big red demon’s horns as he spoke, “You wanted to know about Fred Kruger?” “Fred Kruger?” Hellboy nodded. “Now we’re getting somewhere.” “Kruger was a sick bastard,” the cop shook his head, remembering some horrible crime from long ago. “Like to kill kids. At least, that’s what all the stories said. Eventually it was too much and we had to bring him in. I was still a young cop back then, ya see. Problem was, the evidence never really lined up well. An ambitious young DA took the case to trial before all that could be got, ya know? Well, you can imagine the rest.” Hellboy started to understand where this was going. Kruger probably killed those kids. Whoever held this kind of power had to have evil in his heart. It’s the only way he could even come close to this. But even then, that’d only give him enough to become a spirit, maybe a poltergeist. Still, those were bound to one location, and this bastard had killed people in at least five different locations. “So Kruger walked,” Hellboy led the officer on. “I’m willing to bet that didn’t sit well with a lot of people in the town.” “To say the least,” the officer rubbed his neck. “One night, Kruger’s shack goes up in flames, the door locked from the outside. That part was held from the public. People were happy he was gone, and to be honest, most of the cops were too. No real investigation was ever launched. Since then the town’s been quiet, well, at least until recently.” “So they killed Kruger and no one bothered to get justice,” Hellboy sighed again. “I can’t blame them for what they did. But at the same time, murdering an evil man in such a way empowers the soul. He could have came back as an evil spirit.” “So you’re saying Kruger really is the one killing us?” “Sounds like it,” Hellboy nodded. “Probably started with the families who did the deed on him. Probably killed the kids first to make them suffer before killing them as well. The question is how to stop ‘em.” “You can stop him, though?” “Huh? Oh yea, sure,” Hellboy gave the man a half-hearted smile. “That’s what we do.” “I-if it’ll help,” the officer sputtered, “one of my men, Thompson, lives across the street. He...well he was one of em.” “And he has a kid?” “Yea, a daughter. Nice girl. Glen,” he he looked up at the red-stained ceiling. “He and her were together, ya know.” Hellboy nodded to dismiss the officer. Most of this made sense now. At least he had a motive for the killer’s actions. What he still didn’t know was how this creep got so much power. The Dream Demons were a prime suspect for that, but they had been under control for years. Unless… “Abe,” he opened the commlink back to SHADE Headquarters, “we got our man. Freddy Kruger. Child killer the townspeople burned alive. Looks like he’s back for revenge.” “But this level of power isn’t normal for a revenge spirit,” Abe shook his head, agreeing with Red. “I agree. Something is fishy here,” Red nodded. “But first I want to take care of Kruger. Do me a favor and send me the Potion of Shared Dreaming recipe. And then get a message out to Doctor Fate. Tell him I want to talk when I get back to Arkham.” “Copy. I’ll get right on it.” Hellboy closed the comm connection and prepared himself. He’d go into the dreamscape with this girl, and he’d bring Kruger back. Then he’d have Liz burn the bastard into oblivion.