Alright, an announcement everyone. PH is going to be retired for a day or two... then get a refresh! PH hasn't been going as well as I've wanted it to for a while now, and I need to re-create everything anyway. Of course, it's not actually going to be a full reboot, we'll continue from where we left off and everyone will be able to keep their dudes. However, we're also going to get new standards and rules. As well, as I've been getting good due to other things, I think I can handle six players with a little help this time. We'll be dividing those six players into two teams of three, too. Anyway, when the new thread is done which will likely be tomorrow or the day after, I'll post a link here. I do apologize if you don't like this decision, but this is my RP, and I have to make sure I'm liking it as well. I hope everyone understands.