[b][center]Shela[/center][/b] Shela shook her head slightly as she hopped down from the wagon and grabbed her gear. slumping it over her shoulder with a grunt. Holding the pipe between her teeth she puffed on it a few times as she looked around. Her thick brows rose and she quickly removed the pipe from her lips and took a deep breath. "Jasmine? That be a rare smell out in these parts," she muttered before shrugging again as she clenched the pipe back in her teeth. "Oh well, gonna grab a pint and then set up sleep somes where," she said before wandering over to the old stable/bar. Stepping over to the rickety bar she climbed up onto a hay bail that was stacked in front of it since there was no proper seating and removed her helmet, putting it on the wooden sheet that was the so called bartop. "Pint of ale would ya," she said flicking a coin onto the counter. [b][center]Eyewing Cave[/center][/b] If the eyewing could screech it would have as the massive club came barreling down on it, catching it along the top of the spherical creature and bringing it to the ground with a thud. The eye bulged but did not burst. The thick leather like lid closed as the acidity ooze pooled beneath it. that which touched the ground hardened but what still clung to the still warm creatures body remained liquid. There would be enough to fill several vials if done carefully.