Dimitri grunted dismissively at Krystoff's retort regarding him leaving his gun behind, "[b]It was empty and I was being rushed by a ghoul. I was gonna pick it back up but Izzy was about five seconds from getting her scalp bitten off by one of these things.[/b]". With the fighting having died down, Dimitri shook off his crowbar just as Krystoff retrieved his shotgun from the warehouse and returned it to him. For a moment Dimitri began to pray to whatever deities happened to be at work, however, those prayers quickly became damnations as he flipped the weapon over and spotted the long scratch that ran the length of the weapon, as well as bits of shrapnel imbedded in the weapon's stock. For a moment Dimitri wondered whether or not to confront Krystoff on this, though this idea was quickly forgotten as he tuned in to the conversation about the ghouls potentially having been bred, "[b]Why the would anyone want to breed ghouls of all things? They're dumb as rocks and can't take orders for shit. Not to mention they don't particularly give a damn about who or what they eat.[/b]" Dimitri mused aloud. Dimitri could hear Jack speaking weakly over the bluetooth, however he didn't seem all too phased considering Xavier had offered to search for him. Everyone in the group seemed to at least have a modicum of medical knowledge and first aid skills, it was necessity considering the nature of their job. Dimitri knelt down and drew his knife to skin one of the corpses. Every monster had it's useful parts; skin in particular was useful for making into leather armor, repair weapon grips, or simply as another tool for Brutus' tracking lessons. Dimitri was stone faced as he methodically slice and pulled away the skin on one of the ghouls, having long ago grown accustomed to working with meat courtesy of a butcher shop he'd done a few jobs for before his adoption. "[b]Anyone need a new weapon wrap? There's plenty of fresh skin to work with around here. I figure a bit of tanning will make some nice leather.[/b]" He grunted distractedly.