[@WittyWolf][@Blizz] Xavier overheard what Damian said about letting him find jack as Krystoff said that he was going to help him find their little brother. Xavier thought about the general area Jack was going hunting that night and shifted gears as Krystoff communicated with him again. "I think I know the general area he's in but I'm not sure how far he got. Earlier, I heard him mentioning something about heading close to where the power plant is, you know, passed the railroad tracks and the little speed stop convenient store is? I'm checking that area and should be there in a-" he stopped talkinG as he could hear something strange through the eyepiece. Jack was speaking again but his voice was very strained and he sounded horrible, by his guess, Jack must be bleeding profusely and the message he was giving, made X pick up speed as he was not too far from the area he spoke about. When Jack was finishing what he was saying, X spoke up again "Jack....JACK!!? Bruh, where are you? Jack are you still conscious.............SHIT! Krystoff you you heard that right? I'm about 3-4 minutes away, bring your medical shit." He said as he raced on. He was hoping that his little brother hung in there until he made it but that message about him and his siblings did not sit well with him. Xavier pulled his Ak-47 tactical from the back seat and his sawed-off from under his seat, ready to blow something's brains out if he had to. After a few minutes, he finally came to a screeching halt and looked around if he could see his brother Jack's body and started creeping his car to catch any movements.