[CENTER][hr][IMG]http://orig08.deviantart.net/d1f4/f/2012/142/1/2/asm__the_amazing_spider_man_logo__gsmith503__by_gsmith503-d50r1sx.png[/IMG][hr][/CENTER] [INDENT][b][i]March 26[sup]th[/sup] 2005, 6:00pm[/i][/b][/INDENT] A lot of things could change over the course of a week. After his rather eventful Monday evening, Peter had began the 'Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man' to the next level. If Gotham had a Batman, then Queens could have a Spider-Man couldn't they? Designed a costume had taken the top of Peter's priority list as he had absent mindedly stumbled through his classes, spending every spare moment sketching out designs through his note books. Splashes of red and blue ink made the design come to life on the pages and the colour combination stuck with Peter, there was just something about the semi-patriotic colour scheme that made Peter smile inside. Unlike Gotham's Batman who was feared, Peter could be an icon to look up, bright primary colours, the kind of role model your kid would grow up to be. Unfortunately for Peter as he looked in the mirror, the [url=http://cdn.movieweb.com/img.news/NEhNnfycNlUmkp_1_2.jpg]suit[/url] ended up using a lot more black than he had originally intended. Posing in front of the mirror, Peter pulled the googles down over his eyes as he stared at himself, eyeing the costume from head to toe before turning around and admiring his other angles, Peter heard footsteps on the stairs as he jumped from the mirror and into his bed. Scrambling to pull the covers over his costume, Peter ripped the googles off his face and tucked them under the pillow before folding the hood underneath himself. "Peter." Came a soft knock at the door. "Peter I brought home a pizza." Scrambling to pull the gloves off, Peter looked at the door as he panicked that it would open any minute. "Peter are you in there?" Came Aunt May's voice again. "Yeah Aunt May, I'm just changing." Peter called as he pulled the hoodie off and tossed it under his bed. Looking down at the boots, Peter shook his head as he muttered angrily to himself pulling his pants off and pulling on a pair of jeans over top of the boots. Popping the door open, Peter looked at Aunt May in his t-shirt and jeans. "You weren't dressed at this hour? Honestly Peter, it's one thing to sleep in but it's six in the evening." Aunt May chided the teenager as he smiled meekly towards her. "Oh no Aunt May, I was down in the lab. I had another accident." Peter explained as he opened the door and walked out. "Honestly Peter, I don't know what it is that you're working with down there but it sticks to everything. Please don't throw those clothes in the washing machine again. I'll hand wash them if I have to." Aunt May replied before ruffling Peter's hair. "You're looking more and more like your father every day." "Thanks Aunt May." Peter said with a nod as he pulled a chair out at the dinner table without paying attention. Sitting down, he suddenly realized where he was sitting as he looked around. Without a sound, Peter scouted to his usual chair a silent but knowing look was exchanged between Aunt May and himself before she served the pizza. "I miss him everyday Peter." Aunt May said after the first few bites. "I do too." Peter added as he reached for a second pizza. "Slow down boy, I'm certainly not going to eat all of it." Aunt May chided laughing slightly. "Aunt May, what do you think of the costumed vigilantes that have been springing up over the world over the last couple years." Peter asked swallowing the last of the second piece's crust. "I think they're people who mean well but have too much money to do things properly." Aunt May replied after thinking for a few moments. "I think if they used the time to give back to society and show the world that making it better didn't need to involve bruising their knuckles the world could truly become a better place." "But what about the men who can't be bought?" Peter asked. "Some men can't be bullied or reasoned with, look at HYDRA. For years they were thought to be gone and yet last weekend they came back." "Then we'll just have to hope Captain America comes back." Aunt May smiled slightly. "Until then you need to focus on doing your homework and getting good grades. I have high hopes for you nephew, maybe if you put that brain of yours to good work you'll be the one to cure cancer someday." "Maybe Aunt May, maybe." Peter smiled back slightly. "At least then all my ruined laundry will be worth it." Aunt May called back to Peter as she left the table with a chuckle.