[hr] [b][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/RdDKbep.jpg[/img][/center][/b] [hr][center][h3][b]March 20th, 2005[/b][/h3][/center] [center][b]The Triskelion (10:00 PM / 2200 MT)[/b][/center] [color=6C88A6]"We should do this again sometime."[/color] Tony Stark took the hand of Captain America easily. Despite them not really reaching a definite winner he had to admit it was the most fun he had in months. [color=853333]“I’ll still win.”[/color] Tony taunted with a wide smirk as the two heroes shook hands as Maria Hill tapped her foot in an irritated huff. [color=5E6376]“Are we done?”[/color] Tony nodded, [color=853333]“For now. By the way, Hill, we ended up figuring out the whole location decryption thing. You guys want to be looking at Austanburg, in case you don’t already know.”[/color] [color=5E6376]“Good.”[/color] She looked at Barnes, [color=5E6376]“Don’t waste any more of my time.”[/color] Tony Stark chuckled as he withdrew his suit back into the briefcase he carried it in before taking a long extended yawn. [color=853333]“Well, I’m beat. Toodles.”[/color]