[center][b][h3][color=steelblue]The Glorious Boletarian Commonwealth[/color][/h3][/b] [color=steelblue][b]January 1836[/b][/color][/center] [b]Lieutenant Gurov. Outside of Wrenclaw.[/b] The breath of both man and horse permitted the air in white clouds of mist, as the cold winds swept across the snow covered field. Within said field, a row of horses stood, each with a rider donned in the traditional blue uniforms of a Boletarian soldier and with fur hats atop their heads as cavalry sabers hung at their sides. The Lieutenant atop his own horse wore a similar uniform, the only difference being the white sash crossing from one shoulder to his opposite hip and around, announcing his rank. [center][img]http://www.cmhg.gc.ca/cmh/book_images/high/v2_c7_s08_ss00_02.jpg[/img] [i]A Boletarian artists painting of the Third Platoon training mid-winter during a lull of the blizzard of 1836.[/i][/center] The Lieutenant gazed over the orderly group before him. This was the Third Platoon of the 5th Hussars Regiment, and he'd be damned if they weren't the finest Platoon within the Regiment. Whilst the rest of the regiment remained where it was warm within Wrenclaw, much to the disgruntlement of his own men the Lieutenant had the Platoon outside following standard training procedures in the snow drifts just outside of the walls of Wrenclaw, which now served as a backdrop. Torches moving along the length of the wall were visible in the gloom, as were the slight glint of cannons facing outwards. The Platoon would be the first regiment outside of those on the border the Kings of both Schulstein and Vressia would see as they neared the Capital. Tasked with serving as an escort for the two Kings and their entourages. The Platoon had to look and act their finest in the presence of royalty. One question stood out in the Lieutenants mind however, if the King wanted to show his power, why not have the nation's renowned Royal Hussars act as escort and not the Hussars of a simple platoon? The Royal Hussars donned in their articulated plate armour with their 'feathered wings' and armed with lances. Boletaria's most elite cavalry should surely have formed the two kings escorts, however rumors where that they had been sent south. Only the Saint knew why.