[center][img]http://s30.postimg.org/wekde1cel/2000px_Captain_America_Shield_svg.png[/img][/center] Bucky lost count of the number of heads that turned as he walked through the Triskelion to George Smiley's office. Hill explained that he hadn't been [i]officially[/i] sworn in as Deputy Director yet but that it was as good as done given the government had all but handed Fury carte blanche at the moment. Defeating HYDRA was priority number one for every law enforcement on Earth, national or transnational, and once Fury had put it out there that Smiley would be integral in that Congress would line up to swear him in. Barnes nodded his way through Hill's explanation, completely oblivious to the politics of the day, but finally it occurred to him he was none of the wiser as to the "situation" Hill had mentioned. "So are you going to tell me what's going on?" Hill stopped and thought for a second, before shaking her head. "I'll let Smiley explain." Barnes shrugged his shoulders and followed after Hill a short while longer until they came to a stop outside of an office. The nameplate that had once adorned the door to the office had been pushed out and had yet to be replaced. Inside there was the sound of faint shuffling, like boxes being moved around, and Hill indicated to Bucky to wait for a second as she knocked on it. "Deputy Director Smiley? It's Maria Hill," She said, leaning towards the door in an attempt to speak through it. "I've brought... Captain America is with me. Should I send him in?" A voice from inside indicated to her to send Barnes in and she opened the door and ushered Bucky inside. There in the office stood a middle-aged man whose face was adorned with wrinkles, atop his head was once dark hair that had faded almost completely grey, and his soft eyes sat behind thick glasses that looked made him look more accountant than spy. At once Smiley managed to look exactly as Bucky had imagined him and nothing like he had imagined. He was completely and entirely forgettable. For most men that was a weakness, for George Smiley it seemed a strength. He smiled modestly at Bucky as the two made eye contact and the door to his office shut with a quiet click.