[center][color=mediumslateblue]Shouken Washi[/color] [img]http://i61.tinypic.com/2880lv.jpg[/img] [h2][color=mediumslateblue]"The Oasis"[/color][/h2][/center] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ The figures had remained still for a few more seconds, staring silently at Shouken, who was focused on them as well as the location of Kumo. He had disappeared either right before the two showed up or right after, Shouken was unsure, yet he drew his blade and stood tall and ready to defend himself. The two cloaked ninja gave each a quick glance then one took off into the thick wood. Shouken assumed the ninja set out to find Kumo, so he set his focus to the only one remaining. [color=mediumslateblue]"Who the hell are you?"[/color] Shouken said, never lowering his gaurd. Not a word came from the ninja, only a slight tilt of the head. Shouken gritted his teeth and lifted his blade directly infront of his face, keeping the figure in his sights. After a few seconds, the right hand of the shady ninja rose to the center of his chest, forming the tiger seal. It seemed he was about to release a jutsu, but before anything would happen, Kumo would re-enter the scene behind Shouken. [color=darkkhaki]"Spider Style: Widow Maker!"[/color] Shouted kumo from behind the unaware Shouken. The boy turned to see the jutsu and gazed upon Kumo stretching his right arm out and forming a ethereal, pistol-shaped, mass in his palm. It emmitted the same dark purple chakra as before which supplied the pistol-shaped outline. After the pistol took form, it released a black ball of chakra that moved at incredible speeds. It was on the cloaked ninja giving him no time to react and knocking him back at least 30 yards. Shouken watched the man struggle to get up then realized the other one was attacking. He quickly alerted Kumo he paid no attentiont to the threat whatsoever. As the man approached Kumo from his blindside, a spear was driven through the side of the neck of the second ninja and exited out of the opposite hip, pinning his lifeless body to the earth. Kumo looked to the trees and out came a large spider. Though this one was different then the one earlier. He wore a more leather armor and carried two spears, crossed on his back along with many knives lining his upper half. He only possessed two eyes and spoke as clear as the large spiders that Shouken had encountered earlier. The spider walked passed Kumo and retrieved his spear from the body with his two front legs. With a few twirls and twists, he placed the spear back into its holding. Turning back to Kumo, the spider gave a quick nod. Kumo returned the nod then walked over to the spider, placing his palm on the large symbol on his back, sending him back to the land of webs. Shouken stood shocked with awe at the confidence and percision of Kumo. It was amazing to watch such a spectacular sight. Summonings had always fascinated him and this event only just added to that. He wanted the same power Kumo had and would stop at nothing to gain it. Kumo examined the fallen ninja for a second before turning to Shouken. Without speak a word, he walked past and made his way for the ninja he had blasted earlier. Shouken, like a puppy, followed his master and accompanied his examination of the second person. After further examination, Kumo finally spoke. [color=darkkhaki]"Well, neither one were carrying anything important. All we have to go by are these odd crests on their backs. It appears to the markings of the Vampire Clan..." [/color] Shouken shifted his gaze to Kumo and gave him a confused look, [color=mediumslateblue]"The Vampire Clan?"[/color] He asked. Kumo enlightened Shouken with a back story on the clan, [color=darkkhaki]" The Shimyaku Clan. about 50 years ago, a cult clan formed on the outskirts of the Grass Village. Their leader, Reikyuu Shimyaku, developed a jutsu where the user could abosrb chakra from drinking the blood of their opponent as well as physically draining them and back-washing dangerous poisons into the blood streams. Though it did not stop there, Reikyuu went further with the technique and discovered you could enter the mind of the opponent and drive them insane. Well let's just say, Reikyuu didn't have the best inentions for these techniques and began teaching the clan murderous and immoral methods, leading to the banning of the clan by the Grass. Though they were exiled over a decade ago... And I use exile lightly, the clan was slaughtered after committing atrocities to the people of the Grass." [/color] Shouken nodded and replied, [color=mediumslateblue]"They sound pretty creepy, I wont lie. But why us?"[/color] Kumo only gave a shrug then returned to a completely standing position. [color=darkkhaki]"No worry though, we will figure that out later. First we will enter the Grass and gather our bearings. We are only right around the corner."[/color] Kumo pointed to the path and through the gaps of trees he had made with his jutsu, the gates of the Grass were visible. Shouken yawned due to the fact that they had been walking nearly all day. As the proceeded on, Shouken's mind flourished with thoughts of becoming a master like Kumo one day and saving his village.