"You're right," said George. "On both accounts. The world you've awoken to is vastly different than the one you left. The enemy no longer goosesteps in jackboots. They move in the shadows, entire nation states worth of people, arms, and influence out there in the ether. To do this work, you enter into what a poet once called the wilderness of mirrors. Appearances, intent, and even truth are all distorted when you gaze out. Words can have three meanings, people can have many faces, and the right thing to do is not always the thing that is called for." George paused and put his hands together. His thoughts strayed to the past. And when he spoke again, he was talking to himself as much as he was talking to Barnes. "The things you'll be asked to do will not be pretty. You mention sacrifice and hardship? They are all part of this job as well. You will be asked to sacrifice many things -- your personal life, your time and energy, and maybe even your moral compass -- in the name of world safety. There's still a war on, James. Just the enemy and his methods have changed. The stakes are as high as they've ever been. Having said that, are you ready for your assignment?"