[center][img]http://s30.postimg.org/wekde1cel/2000px_Captain_America_Shield_svg.png[/img][/center] As George spoke Bucky thought back to that day over the Atlantic when Steve and he had clung so desperately to the side of Zemo's plane. He remembered their futile attempts to disarm the bomb aboard it failing time and time again and the look that had appeared on Steve's face as he realised what he had to do. The rotors of the plane roared so loudly that Bucky could barely hear himself cry out as Steve had kicked him free from the plane. He'd seen Steve look down at him for but a second as he tumbled towards the icy water beneath him. The force the explosion had sent him crashing beneath the surface and the cold felt like it seeped through his skin and into his bones as Bucky was lost to the darkness. Steve's face was etched into his memory as he sank deeper by the second. Barnes took a glance down at the star on his chest as the scale of what he was about to commit himself to dawned on him. The pain, the torment, and the sacrifice he'd be forced to subject himself to for as long as he lived. Stephanie Carter had wanted it, at least she [i]thought[/i] she did, but she hadn't seen Steve's face that day as he accepted his fate. That was the life he'd be choosing if he agreed. That would be the end he'd likely be accepting. With a solemn nod, Bucky looked towards Smiley. "I'm ready."