[center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3011013][img]http://i.imgur.com/v9oVH0X.png[/img][/url] [color=MediumAquamarine][U][B] Masshiro, Kenomo (畜生 真白 )[/B][/U] [sub][h3]~}|Burning Memories|{~[/h3][/sub] Date- 5/1/1925, Location- Kumogakure, Time- Morning[/color][/center] Sweat rolled off Masshiro’s pale skin. His body was drenched to the bone and movements staining the futon’s surface, creating darken spots, as his eyes closed tightly to push away the trespassing dreams. The images were etching into his frightened mind with each passing moment. Every few seconds he would immediately toss and turn before fingers clawed into the covers. The short nails dug harshly in, the fabric slowly tearing with a loud rip, sending wool and cotton everywhere when he jerked his figure back to the opposite edge. His body trembled terribly. Under his breath, small and pitiful whimpers were escaping through pressed lips during his restless sleep. The teenager growled in both fear and resistance, his lips curled back to reveal two sharp canines underneath. The noise sounded more like a low, wild and almost feral sound. One a scared animal would give to warn away an invisible predator. His mind lost in the realm of nightmares. [i][center]|~~~~~~~~|[/center] Chaos in the form of smoke and fire hunted Masshiro, his hand held his neck where the flames burnt into it. The fumes threatened to smother his lungs as air no longer reached him. That other hand reached out to guide him through the growing haze as the weight of exhausting was piling up on his fragile, four year old body. Feet stumbling across the wood floor while voices were consumed by the crackling deafening his ears, casting his once clean face into contrasting shadows. [color=Mediumaquamarine]"Mommy!!!"[/color] He screamed out loud. His shrieks were all in vain, tears streaming down his white face and quickly evaporated. He was grimy, his cheeks had become painful enough that it threatened to blister from the dry heat in the air. It was the only word that came into his childish mind, she was the only one he needed or wanted. An individual who could make sense of why their home, his stuff, and everything was burning around him into ashes. He wailed again and again, still crying for mercy. His body stepped around hot boards crashing down from above, landing in his way while he navigated his best around them. All the time, flames were blocking his path and sight in their need to consume everything within their path. Masshiro’s heart raced in his chest and the sleepy, heavy sensation grew in his head. The want to lay down and sleep was becoming too hard to resist, his eyes panning the scene of fire spreading its death. His voice grew quieter, his throat too raw to yell now. Finally his eyes spied his once favorite hiding spot: the living room table. In a want to just lay down, he dropped to all fours and crawled underneath. The air didn’t hurt his chest as badly when he flattened himself down and shortly felt his eyelids start to sag. Masshiro was still whimpering and crying quietly when he heard someone screaming his name, his vision blacking out slowly. His last image before the darkness swallowed was Hanawa-chan drawing close to his hiding place. [center]|~~~~~~~~|[/center][/i] At the end of the nightmare, Masshiro’s body jerked with fisted hand then smacked it right into the wall. The wood made a loud thump and his knuckle ached, not splitting the skin thanks to the power he lacked in the punch. His eyes went wide at his violent reaction as he gingerly pulled it away, cradling the stinging and possibly broken knuckles in his other hand. He spent a moment or two examining it for permanent damage. Several other mild indentations were easily seen beside his newly made one, all shouting back at Masshiro how bad these nightmares had started to become. Half the time, the teenage grudgingly thought, he couldn’t recall them at all. His head glanced to the side before absorbing the mess that was now his mattress. Stuffing was tossed about, some even still clinging to him, as he made efforts to get out of bed. Hand ruffled through his short hair, brushing away the wool caught in it. Ignoring his own stupidity and sour mood, the pale haired boy gently twisted about and pressed his feet flat upon the floor. He braced against the added weight gradually building when he stood upright and stretched his legs, the dull tiredness fading with the prickling sensation. His eye corner brushed over the other beds lined up on the opposite wall. All six were completely empty which meant he was the last to get up and the other boys were outside playing. Each, like his own, had their own compact dresser sitting beside it. It held almost all their belongings and prevented their cherished possessions from becoming lost in the shared items. The room was an utter mess. A fact expected from a house full of boys and girls, the Negishi household often taking in orphaned children and creating a family like environment. Each one was cared for, taught and well loved causing Masshiro to momentarily reflect on his luck. He inhaled when his knuckles flared with new pain. It was the reminder of his earlier outburst that caused him to finally padded over to his dresser, mindful of the childish mine field between it and himself. Small, wooden toys were scattered from one end of the room to the other, making it a slight challenge to navigate his way over the floor. At least without breaking the skin of his soles by treading over wooden kunai, shuriken or even crumbled up handmade ‘explosion’ tags. Being a nin was an important dream to them as it was to him, through unlike them, he managed to pave his path toward it. Upon reaching an empty patch, Masshiro causally walked the rest of his way to his dresser. He popped open the top drawer, his body clothed in nothing but simple boxers, then one handedly shoved aside the contents. While he reached into it and started to pull out the basic first aid kit, his ears caught the loud racket of his siblings’ laughter. Their happiness was filling house and soon, proved it was infectious as he caught himself making a small smile at the sounds leaking into his room. With the first-aid in his hand, Masshiro smacked the drawer shut with his elbow then turned about to return to his bed again. Along the way to sit down, he spied his knuckles to note they had began to turn purplish around the bone. That concerned him inside through his face barely showed it with a neutral expression fixed in place. It was a permanent mask he usually worn over his face for protection and defense, keeping himself at a distance from everyone around him. A cold, heartless wall he noted in some bitterness. One that made him feel alone sometimes because he couldn’t risk taking it down. His body flopped down on the mattress, the wool and cotton bits flaking off the edge and onto the floor. It was making a bigger mess for him to clean up now. Masshiro sighed softly. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Damn it…”[/color] Masshiro uttered under his breath at the sight, his tongue rolled under his lower lip in frustration. Ignoring it for now, he laid the kit on the bed. It was a small, jewelry box sized container with a simple twist latch. His thumb and forefinger gripped the mechanism gently then unlatched it, propping the lid open to get to the supplies inside. The scent of wild herbs having been dried and stuffed in now overwhelmed his nose causing him to almost react. He managed to just crinkle his nose instead of clasping his hands over his face, his fingers tightening into a fist to resist the impulse. A moment passed before he breathed then reached for the herbs to take the swelling down. Hanawa-chan was going to kill him when she learned he might’ve busted a knuckle or two. He secretly prayed he could hide it from him while they healed. Depression settled in his heart like a rock, threatening to sink him, but he held it at bay. He bite his tongue when he started to hiss, a natural reaction to the pain, still keeping up his application of the herbs then followed up with the balm to seal any possible splits he missed in his skin. Finally he bandaged them up tightly in a thick wrap which protected it from infection in the air. Now done with the wound, he leaned back to survey the damage done to his bed. Wool and cotton were scattered everywhere on the surface, peering out of the tears of the cover, their bits mingling with the sheets and worse. He just stared because he knew he possibility of getting it all was very slim and mending it was pretty much impossible. Everything was currently in strips which wouldn’t hold if he tried to sew them back together. He raised his uninjured left hand to scratch his head as he acknowledged the trouble this would bring. Getting a new bed was a must and that meant money he didn’t have currently. He knew asking for some from his parents would mean questions then admitting he had another nightmare, his conscious knew deep down he couldn’t stand having them stare at him in pity. He exhaled a breath then snapped the kit close. Setting it on the ground, he nudged it under the bed’s low space beneath and rose upright. He quickly snatched all the ratted wool, cotton and sheet he could into his hands and started to stuff it back into the futon. Masshiro smoothed over the surface best he could through the top layer was just as torn as the mat causing him to creep over to the next bed and snag another, not ripped sheet from it. He flipped it over and let it settle before he tucked it in. With careful and devil ate care to detail, he tried his best to make it look like a proper bed. He made a mental note to ask Hanawa-chan if he could stay a few nights with her while this blew over. Masshiro had managed to kick the last of the missed stuffing out of sight just when he heard the room door slid open. Masshiro’s head snapped to stare at the wall immediately, briefly seeing his mother edging in with her warm brown eyes panning the room. They swayed from one end to the other, stopping only to rest on him when she saw him awake. It was then Masshiro became abruptly aware he was still in his boxer. On that note he tried not to let the red blush fill his face and show through his pale skin, struggling not to shift his eyes to look his mother in the eyes. Instead he turned slightly and focused on a spot on her neck. He was very much aware of her noting his hand at his side however, his bandaged hand carefully shifted to hide it behind his back and body positioned to block the sight of the new dent. More of a habit than actually expecting to succeed, Masshiro stood quietly in place to heard his mother speak. Negishi-san was a woman well in her late thirties, with a plump and motherly figure. To most the village, she gave off a loving aura to all her children and knew many individuals within Kumogakure. Her dark hair was tied in a messy bun, pierced by the metal needle in its center. She was dressed in a casual yet flowery dress which helped tame her curved shape. Gently, she was wiping her hands on a towel after drying the dishes. Masshiro could feel his mother smile at him, happy to see him up and about. She spoke in her soften tones when she started to address him. [b] “Sleep well?”[/b] Masshiro nodded his head, shrugging his shoulders at the question. [b]“Good, now that you’re awake. Hurry up. Stop playing already and get that tush into gear.” [/b] With those last words, she popped back out then started to yell at some of his siblings with a demand to cease running in the house. Masshiro relaxed at the thought of being alone again, his fingers ruffled his hand to rid himself of the anxiety. Not wasting more time, he stepped to getting dressing in his usual outfit. His arms were pulling the pants, shirt, and other needed things from the various drawers when the reality of the situation started to slap him in the face. He was actually a Genin. After all those years struggling in class and pushing himself, his dreams were starting to finally take wing to the road’s end. For several moments he let his shock settle over his mind. When the sensation of a small, wet tear dripped down his cheek, Masshiro’s finger lifted up to calmly brush it away. It might’ve not seem like much, that little tear, but to Masshiro, it was merely an trickle of what he was feeling inside and had allowed to surface. Inside, if he could describe the joy and relief, it would’ve been like a vermillion bird rising from the ashes. Jarring himself from his inner thoughts, the boy quickly wrapped up his task before shipping out to the kitchen. Children, all shapes, ages and sizes, were scrambling in and out of the house’s front door. Their faces filled with cheer and happiness while Masshiro carefully kept his eyes downward. His taller and lankier body easily parted his younger siblings and quickly took a seat at the low table, his legs folded underneath him. The first thing his mother brought out was the green tea, setting the large, white and blue pattern pot on the center alongside his squarish cup. After pouring his tea, he watched her walk back into the kitchen for his meal which turned out be one of his favorites: Oyakodon with a fried egg on top, and miso soup on the side. Upon setting them down, she herself took a seat and waited until he actually started to dig into the meal to discuss an unwanted topic. [b]“So… mind telling me what happened to your bed, Masshiro?”[/b] The white haired boy nearly choked on his food, biting into a egg piece, chicken, beans, and rice collected into his mouth. He coughed hard, his teeth sank into the wooden chopsticks, and he tried to swallow the lodge food in his throat down. Keeping his chopstick in his mouth, his hand fisted then smacked his chest a few times. However, his mother seemed unfazed by the sight as her head resting in her head, studying his reaction in mild amusement. [b]"So, ya going to answer me or do I tell your father? Or worse, inform Hanawa?"[/b] When Masshiro could breath again, his body tensed at the mention of his father. His head jerked to his mom's direction, careful not to look in her eyes, when he lied. [color=MediumAquamarine] "I... What do you mean what happened to my bed? I have no idea what you're talking about!"[/color] [b]"Ummm..." [/b]The woman said thoughtfully, her finger rises to press tightly to her frowning lips.[b] "Masshiro, look at me. And say that to me again."[/b] The boy stilled. His head pulled down and narrowed on the table surface before him, his meal forgotten for the moment. It was by choice he let his body language seep through when around those he loved so he knew his mom knew he was lying. Even if it was continually monitored, he had a feeling her instincts would've screamed his guilty anyway.[color=MediumAquamarine] "I'll replace it, I swear."[/color][b] "Not the point, Hun. This isn't normal and it seems you've been having them an awful lot lately. Is something bothering you?"[/b] In a motherly impulse, her hand gently feathered away his bangs pulls over his eye.[b] "If you need to talk, you I'll listen."[/b] [color=MediumAquamarine]"I know. I'll have Hanawa-chan look at my hand as well, then maybe see what he suggests. I think I'm just restless is all, I hope."[/color] Masshiro admitted, his hand already raised to remove the chopsticks dangling from his mouth. He lifted his eyes to meet hers as he spoke, letting her see the sincerity in his words. She visibly tensed at the energy and emotion, her breath paused for a moment into unexpected action. Shortly his mother regained her composure since having become use to it over the years. [b] "I'm still your mother in the end, and I have a right to know. You're my child after all. Now, finish your breakfast and get to the academy. They will likely give you your first assignment as a Genin and don't want to be late for that."[/b] Negishi-San added then sat upright when she noted the only set of twin boys out of the family, Kohei and Kokan, heading out the door. Both of them were trailing out of the house with water balloons sacked in their thin arms, their actions seemed almost purely criminal while they tried to avoid being seen on the way. Masshiro watched his mother scowl as she got to her feet and moved to to stop the twins, her body placed between them and the door. She followed it up with a shout on approaching them.[b] "For Genmyou's sake, you two! Kohei and Kokan, will you put those balloons back, now!"[/b] Masshiro chuckled softly when the two boys darted for the back door, startled by their mother's reprimand and forcing her to rush after them. Taking the opportunity, he returned to his breakfast while his mind pondered how the rest of the day would go. [center]~}Half an hour later|{~[/center] It had taken nearly half an hour but he managed to avoid his other siblings, finally escaping the house and was now strolling through the stone streets of Kumogakure. Being on a mountain had its perks as the air was usually clean and fresh, absent the usual taints experienced in the valley areas. After all, only a few places could grow the needed herbs native to their region which made it necessary to take side trips down from their mountain home. He wasn't the first, or last, stupid child to brazenly push the boundaries of their village. Most would’ve seen this as an act that was risking war among their neighbor. Others the playful antics of immature children. Unlike many of his follow students, at least he could count the times he did it on one hand. His hand clasped his coat front tightly while he scaled the wounding paths leading from one spiral peak to another. The whole time Masshiro's eyes were shifted downward and carefully he avoided looking into someone's face, his figure easily dodging narrow brushing his shoulder against any casual walker’s. The last thing he wanted was to piss off a hot head itching for a fight. At that thought, Masshiro's mind flashed with the image of Jaakuna and shuddered. He had seen the sadistic bastard engage in enough random and unprovoked fights to be certain he should avoid crossing paths with the nin. There was only one way that situation was going to end. With a death, likely his or both of them, and the idea it was because of some lunatic’s gruff inability to control his temper. It was the fear of that outcome which had made Masshiro determined to give Jaakuna a wide berth. He didn’t need to go interacting with someone that easily set off after all. A small yawn edged into Masshiro's features causing his hand to stifle it. The mountain's cold air breezed into his bones and kept him walking just to stay warm. Ahead, there was sounds of giggling and laughter causing his pace to slow, prodding his curiosity to seek out the source. He came around the corner of a building just in time to see the scene unfolding in the academy grounds. His feet paused in his stroll, abruptly standing there, and observing the game being played. He knew it well, recalling the fact he use to play with Hanawa-chan in their youth. In this instance, however, instead of the seeker being Hanawa-chan it was another girl. One he knew only at a distance. He recalled her name being Manami-san. From what Masshiro had seen of her, she was an accomplished Jōnin nicknamed the ‘Spider of the Lightning’ but beyond that fact and her appearance, he knew nothing else about her. Immediately the academy children took off into different directions when she started to count. Each one seeking a place to stow way beyond their older playmate's gaze, giggling and hushing in their efforts to outwit the older woman. It was odd to Masshiro to see a Jōnin, out of the academy and already aiding the village, spending her time with those younger than herself. It made him slightly miss the enjoyment his sister and him use to have as children. That thought made his feet stir once more to move to the academy stairs. Life was simple back then but now, it just got more complicated. The sudden realizing the future he was about to face was hard to predict, made him ease as old worries resurfaced from his past. Only time would tell what happened next and he became a bit bitter at the thought he couldn’t control it.