[quote=@Turboshitter] That depends, honestly. Do you think Jack Russell Terriers are cute and do you mind a bit grey hair/general old doggy problems? If yes then no you'd probably like my dog. I don't like her right now, but that's only because she's been whining and peeing all over stuff all week :P Oh she has ideas. She's got a [i]system[/i]. She will go outside when she doesn't have to pee and do it every five seconds just to get treats, and when you do something she doesn't like, like leaving her all alone with only me to take care of her for a week for example, she will pee on things (usually your bed) to make you aware that she is displeased with your hubris. My dog has ideas. They're just the kind of ideas that keep me too busy/stressed/distracted to post. [/quote] Fair enough, I refuse to take care of my mom's dogs. Especially since they use potty pads and not "Outside"