Amena stepped off the plane and into the airport in her new home, New York City. Her soft blue eyes scanned the area, wondering if the sole purpose of her being in America would already be in the airport. A quick trip so she could go back to Ireland and visit her family. Yet, she was sorely disappointed. A sigh escaped her lips and she gripped her carry on backpack strap with a bit of a tighter grip. Quite a shame, seeing as it was a Michael Kohrs backpack. She walked over to baggage claim, her Dolls Kill platform boots clacking against the tile. A style like hers wasn't uncommon in New York, an artsy and creative area with a diverse set of people at every corner of the city; but she still held a strange aura about her that kept the people at a distance. It was her way of feeling comfortable in a new environment. Amena grabbed her black and red suitcase from the conveyor belt and walked out calling a taxi. She was about to press the little green button when she heard a honk and a familiar shout. Amena looked up to see her friend, Jesse, whom she met back in the 80s. Jesse was the only one that knew her secret and Amena thought of her as the sister she once dreamed of. Now she was in her 40s but she still looked beautiful and vivacious. Amena smiled and strolled over to her. She made arrangements to live with her for the time being, seeing as both her children are almost out of high school and she was terrified to be alone. Amena put her suitcase and bag into the trunk and slid into the passenger side of her friend's Minivan. Jesse grinned and said "are you excited to meet your soulmate?" Amena shrugged slighty, but of course Jesse would bring that up right as she plopped her butt into the seat. Jesse was anything but a smalltalker. "I'm not sure" she replied. "I guess I feel... forced? I've never met him but I have to spend the rest of my life with him." Jesse nodded and started driving to Jesse's house. [center]{~~~}[/center] Night fell and she wanted out of the house. She threw on a tight black dress and a pair of stilletos. The fire engine red dress gave the redhead a rush and she smirked. She quaffed her hair into a messy, curly look and did a smokey eye- crimson red lipstick combination. Amena checked herself out in the mirror before leaving the small guest house. Thank goodness the guest house is separated from the actual house. She liked her isolation and, as long as Amena paid her part, she could do what she wanted. Amena called a taxi and said to the driver "take me to a bar with live music."