[@Zetsuko] [color=7bcdc8]"[i]Fine.[/i]"[/color] Shutting his mouth as quickly as he had opened it, the short boy looked away and climbed quickly to get off the net and approach the next area. He hadn't meant to snap. Or to say it so quickly. Indeed, the way he had nearly cut his brother off when he said it probably wasn't very subtle. Trying to ignore it, he grabbed one of the rings and looked up at the pegs. Maybe he could just swing using his hands, but he really didn't want to with how thin they were. They would have to be strong enough to support plenty of weight, of course, but it would still be more painful than using the rings. Easier to swing with them, too. [color=7bcdc8]"Oi! Throw, catch, or carry? Hurry up, the song's almost over."[/color]