[b]Giovanna[/b] My attendant stood in shock, blinked a couple of times as she processed the commander's harsh speech, and then her faced flushed, as red as a teenage boy getting his first handjob. Maybe that was an odd example. [i]Good thing you didn't say it out loud then.[/i] I thought. Commander had ordered that I speak for myself from now on and officially told my babysitter to fuck off...this should be an interesting trip indeed. "Generally most people find it less than desirable when I speak for myself commander. But if speaking is what you want, speaking is what you'll have, dear." --Wait that wasn't right. "Sir." Nope. "Ma'am." I turned to my attendant and laughed rather harshly at her sustained bewilderment, without quite realizing how I had sounded. "Well then, don't be such a useless little shit now. You'll piss the commander off even more standing around like that." I bit out the words abruptly. I swore the girl was about to cry. It made me laugh again without realizing it, but within just a moment I turned to her gaze with a look of endearment and reached a hand out gently to hold the girl's soft cheek. "Just go dear." I said softly, looking deeply into her upset expression. "Don't cry." I said sweetly and I could feel her tremble a bit beneath my hand, and as she struggled to fight back stressful tears, her eyes began to shine as I spoke to her tenderly. [i]How long had she waited for this moment?[/i] I leaned in a bit closer and peered even more deeply into her gaze, my words sliding gracefully off my lips: "You look absolutely hideous when you cry."