[@yukisaa] [color=f49ac2]"N-no...Yes...It's...difficult to explain, really. My mother gave me these, I guess. She didn't have them, exactly, but..."[/color] Absentmindedly pulling on one as she walked, she tried her hardest to come up with a reasonable answer. She wasn't entirely sure why they had been given to her, honestly. She had theories, but not much more than that. She sometimes wished she didn't have them, however. They made her feel more like a target so far away from her home... [color=f49ac2]"Is that the class up ahead? We should hurry, it sounds like they're starting."[/color] [hr] Olivan had found the classroom easily enough, picking a seat near the wall and just waiting for the teacher to begin. Luckily, that didn't seem to take too long, though exactly how it started was...strange. And he knew. They weren't kidding when they called him kinda...that. [color=8882be]"Heh. That's rather naive. Does everyone here really think that they just choose how to be seen? That they really just decide ther own character like that?"[/color] The dark-haired boy shook his head a little as he continued to mumble to himself under his breath. [color=8882be]"History doesn't care how you see you. History only cares how the ones left in power see you. Oneself is only a construct of ones own mind, and everyone sees everyone else as their own constructs. No matter what, people don't just view you the way you intend for them to. It's a matter only for the self."[/color]