[@GreivousKhan] Right but my point was why are you explaining the currency in terms of an exchange rate with an outside currency? :lol Archaic currency is best described in terms of itself! Least I think so. How does the below work for you? [u]Farthing:[/u] Lowest denomination [u]Halfshield:[/u] five farthings [u]Shield:[/u] two halves/ten farthings [u]Groat:[/u] five shields/ten halves/fifty farthings [u]Tower:[/u] two groats/ten shields/twenty halves/one hundred farthings [u]Blood:[/u] five towers/ten groats/fifty shields/ one hundred halves/five hundred farthings [u]Lily:[/u] two bloods/ten towers/twenty groats/one hundred shields/two hundred halves/thousand farthings [u]Eye:[/u] five lillies/ten bloods/fifty towers/one hundred groats/five hundred shields/one thousand halves/five thousand farthings [u]Dragon:[/u] ten thousand farthings [@sigma] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lu1ifsePhX1qbfd90.gif[/img]