You have received your notice to leave your home planet. You home planet is called Genisis. For time immemorial your people have lived here. The star Genisis and 9 other planets orbits is going to go supernova, likely within months or even days of you leaving. There is an exodus of people in large spaceships - unfortunately not every-one will be coming, only high ranking officials, people with necessary jobs, and the young (those from newborn to 20). The spaceships are bound for another planet orbiting a star called Sol. The planet is called Earth, or Terra. The humans who live there are modern day humans and nobody knows how they will react - will it be with fear and suspicion? Wonder and awe? Or will your people do your best to keep of these mundane but advanced creatures sights. You are one of three species: [b]Angel[/b] - Beings of Order. Light coloured wings. [b]Demon[/b] - Beings of Chaos. Dark coloured wings. [b]Hybrid[/b] - The result of a mating between the two above species, hybrids are generally looked down upon by both angels and demons. Grey wings. Order and Chaos are what gives each Angel and Demon it's power. Hybrids of the two species are different, depending on which proves more dominant based on their actions is what force they will be bound to. Order magic tends to be more about regeneration and healing, Chaos magic tends to be more destructive. There are always exceptions. Each wields their power often in very specific ways for example an Angel may have healing powers and be able to wield Order for specifically healing purposes, or a Demon may have be able to influence the flow of electricity and be able to wield Chaos for specifically wielding his or her electrokinesis. Order and Chaos will manifest differently in each person. Angels tend to more virtuous while demons are less so. Again there are exceptions. Angels and demons get their wings when they hit puberty. Sometimes other things may trigger the wings coming through or even hold back until the time is right. It's painful but it has to happen. It's kind of like having wings rip through the skins of your back, but once you have them you can make them appear and disappear – disappearing's called sheathing them. [u][i][b]Sign-up:[/b][/i][/u] [hider=My Hider] Name: Nickname: Age: Species: Job Position: Power/s: History: Personality: Description and/or pic: Other: [/hider] Rules [hider=My Hider] - No sexual content. - No power-playing. - Some-times I may steer the RP in a particular direction, please do not go against this on the very few occasions I need to do this. - Use [b]First person[/b] only. - Archangel/High Demon characters with permission only. [/hider] Job positions [hider=My Hider] - Royal Guard. - Medic. - Civillian. - Communications and Signals. - Pilot. - Civillian (no job). - Pretty much any job you can think of. [/hider]