[quote=@WhiteStar19] [@HaleytheRandom][@Dark Light][@GreenGrenade][@Mach2][@hoppiholla391][@Lord Wraith][@Hillan][@Virani][@Etain][@Stein][@fij707] Hello?? What happened? [/quote] Um, I'm not sure what you're referring to.. [quote=@Dark Light] I would actually be happy to kill my sector counter part off as soon as the game starts! I mean the guy was practically homeless and poor, no ones gonna miss him. :p If I can god mod him up until release to create some tension between them that will be fun... :) [/quote] [img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/21700000/Lucille-is-judging-you-gif-arrested-development-21743891-500-289.gif[/img]