[color=8882be][h3]Malinal[/h3][/color] The sound of phalanges clattering against her own fingers struck the tzitzimitl as nothing less than ecstatic, and she momentarily balled them into a fisted victory pose, a thin hiss of a [i][color=8882be]yes![/color][/i] leaking out of her. Without losing the pose, she swiped her other hand into a perfect encore with the mostly human-looking girl who ran shortly into her attention. The red-haired one's aim had been a little off, but Mali had more than enough spacial awareness for both of them. When she finished whooping, Mali clapped both hands back onto her face. [color=8882be]"Why, what eyes?"[/color], she feigned, as her wrist winked at the non-human. This, at least, was something she'd anticipated- Her sisters had warned her well that her joint-eyes would stand out especially. They spoke of it in tired tones, but Malinal was still young enough to relish the attention. It didn't hold her for long, though, and she was shortly reaching up to pinch at the red-haired girl's cheeks. They didn't stretch much, but compared to the cloaked woman-figure and herself, they were luxurious. [color=8882be]"Holy mother, skele-hand, look at how [i]pudgy[/i] these are! Are all humans like this? [i]Are[/i] you even human?"[/color] Mali cast her face to the distance and shrugged with one arm while still holding the girl's cheek in the other, an exhibit of wonder. The decorated spirit was talking in an echoing rattle of reassurance- Or so the tzitzimitl heard it- just about long enough for her to pick out the figures that were listening with particular attention. A girl with an ugly-looking club, from her ankle; A flittering blue animal, from an elbow. [color=8882be]"This isn't banter, this is [i]cultural appreciation[/i],"[/color] commented Mali quietly, but shortly stepped up to follow the directions, still holding the human-looking cheek as long as she was able. [color=8882be]"Eel-on-ya, did it say? I'm Mali. And this here is my human. I haven't named her yet."[/color] [@gaudi][@Arty Fox]