[@Tulpa] No, I'm not offended by what you said in reply to me. Since you are about blunt honesty I shall come out and say that you were exceedingly and unnecessarily rude to [@RabidAnubis] who heretofore has shown self-awareness about their ignorance on the topic and has been been very respectful in asking his/her questions to you, as you are, apparently, quite a matter-of-fact representative of the trans-community. I find it ironic that the only person who has been throwing heavy insults around and misunderstanding posts is you. I suggested to be done with the topic as I started it, and I thought it polite to say, as the OP, I'm happy to end it; in meaning I am bowing out of the discussion, and whether or not other people do so is their choice, obviously. In other words, I don't want you to misunderstand that I cannot comprehend the lives of trans or summat the other of being against the trans community, that as such I cannot have a conversation with you about this topic. But it is that based on your post history and how you've behaved in this thread, you are a massive self-righteous jerk that I feel I cannot have a civil intellectual discussion about a matter that requires a delicate balance of respect and transfer of knowledge. And btw, I am a part of the LGBT community, so please don't think I'm yet another hetero arsehole who's pitchforking you. Good luck with your life. :) (I looked up your post history to ascertain your general tone in text.)