[b]Name[/b] Iris Whitfield [b]Age[/b] 24 [b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://www.fansshare.com/media/content1/550x298_New-picture-of-Hayley-Atwell-as-Peggy-Carter-in-Agents-of-S-H-I-E-L-D--season-two-5422.jpg[/img] [b]Abilities[/b] Iris has the ability to control and manipulate electrical objects and technology, such as computers, phones etc. Anything that runs on electricity is vulnerable to her influences and she can act as a conductor within a circuit. When in contact with an electrical source, it has a 'charging' effect on her and, for short periods of time, her speed, stamina, senses and agility is enhanced - though this quickly drains, dependent on how much she draws from this energy reserve and how much she absorbed in the first place. On rare occasions (once), she managed to generate a raw 'lightning' bolt but it requires vast amounts of energy and would require intensive training to replicate. She also has the ability, when in contact with an electrical system, to explore in her mind how the system works and affect it, in resemblance to an extremely skilled IT hacker. She often feels more energetic in areas of high technology use i.e. urban areas. Limits to her ability includes that she has to be in contact with the electrical system she is attempting to influence. If, when she is 'charged', she comes into contact with water, she will short-circuit, causing her to pass out and drain of power instantly. Denied of an electrical source, she quickly drains back to virtually a non-mutant. [b]Personality[/b] If Iris had to be summed up in one word, it would be 'efficient'. She is as organised as a single person can get and she carries out each task - both academic and social - with a thoroughness, that could only be attributed to a perfectionist personality. Her mind is always working, thinking, and she struggles to do such things, as relax. Despite this, she is quite empathetic and has a strong sense of right and wrong. Whilst not always vocal about her personal views, she has strong opinions and morals that she rarely strays from. Her career comes first. She is someone who people tend to respect and admire, and words like 'irresponsible' and 'careless' are foreign to her. For this reason, she has never taken drugs or allowed herself to drink in excess. Despite this, people may describe her as a 'workaholic' and she has often been described as dull, despite harbouring a sharp, sarcastic sense of humour that she doesn't exhibit often due to the serious nature of her work. She likes to have control over many aspects of her life and so, being out of control can unnerve her. [b]History[/b] Iris doesn't tend to disclose much about her past. Her parents were outwardly normal and she was a bright kid, ending up gaining a degree in Chemistry from Oxford, in the United Kingdom (thanks to her parent's plentiful funds, sourced from their cushy jobs as doctors). On paper, it would appear she had a relatively normal upbringing...apart from the death of her older brother at the age of 15 (when she was 12), due to cancer. She joined the secret services as a forensic scientist and eventually graduated into fieldwork. Her mutation remains hidden from her co-workers and even her family. It's simply...easier.