[center][h2]Shooting Gallery[/h2][/center] [center]Jinxlynx[/center] [center] Day 1, Morning[/center] [center]Vitalis Blackwater[/center] The morning began like any other for Vitalis. right at the crack of down she rose form bed, the tower still quiet around her save the impatient scratching at the window from her hawk Fay, she had let him out at night to hunt and stood waiting on the ledge for Vitalis as she pulled her boots on and walked over to the window, sliding it open and letting the hawk fly in and perch on the headboard of her bed. Closing the window again Vitalis returned to her wardrobe. JUst putting on a simple tunic and a pair of pants she went out to start her day. This early in the morning she was surprised to see some already up and about, going on with their tasks while the red head made her first stop at the mess hall to get a quick meal. Coffee was of course on the menu but Vi avoided the drink, staying away from stimulants because she feared a reliance on them would effect her concentration as a sniper. An apple and some toast would suffice, with wild berry jam. Taking her meal with her Vitalis went out to wander the halls, other recruits moving about now train of speak with the leaders of the guild. She knew that the master of Blades and Mistress of Shadows would actually be available to speak to today but for someone like her Vitalis saw no need to speak to them. the two focused on area of expertise she saw little need for when you preferred to engage your targets at long range so instead she headed to the shooting range. Checking out her rifle from the armory Vi carried it over to a free table and started disassembling it, oiling and cleaning the parts even though she knew she had done it three times the night before but this rifle was her prized possessions. Not many of it's kind existed since it was not a energy weapon. The shard rifle actually fired pieces of crystal at a high velocity, with enough power to penetrate armored targets at long ranges. Reassembling it she smiled and walked to a free booth, loading the energy pack and then opening the chamber she loaded a green crystal cut to the shape of a cylinder so it fit in the chamber she closed and locked the safety, shouldering her weapon and taking aim. Starting with targets at the three hundred meter range just to warm up.