[@Lone Wanderer] Scamp and Sister scurried through the cramped alley-ways of Outpost 57. Refuse littered the floor, hiding grime and rust with even more putrid filth. Over-sized rats and uncountable insects inhabited this rotten world, denizens of the outpost since its completion. The orphan boy was accustomed to the setting, having lived among the garbage all of his short life. But the Sister was not. If not for the filters installed on the breathing apparatus of her helmet, she was certain that the stench would have caused her to wretch. Perhaps the contents of her stomach would smell better than the alleys. Whenever the pair would come upon a vagrant or inhabitant of Outpost 57 they would take shelter as best they could. The Sister was a prudent woman, not wont to encounter potential enemies unnecessarily. Several times this would happen, each repetition causing her hidden mouth to curl slightly as the holy armor which she wore was defiled by the byproducts of human activity. At least it wasn't the sewers, or the equivalent of which existed on this Emperor-forsaken station. Twice they would hear distant shouting, accompanied by the familiar crack of las weaponry and the bang of auto weapons. Having no desire to step into a battle, the Sister would command the boy to lead them far around the area, increasing their travel time but helping to ensure their safety. Her mind was only half-trained on the journey, the rest reminiscing on the events earlier this "night." Death was nothing new to her, nor was preventing its cold grasp from extinguishing a man's soul. Time spent among the Orders Hospitaller had seen to that. Nothing could have been done to save the priest even if he had deserved the gift of life. Perhaps in death he would find the redemption which could not be seen in living. Yet it was not that but the burning of the temple which troubled her. The priest was a sinner, true, yet the temple of the God-Emperor itself had not been defamed in any manner apart from hosting the illicit dealings which she had intruded upon. In her haste to purge the men she may have committed her own heresy against the Emperor. Better to burn than let such a place of corruption stand. Acceptance bloomed in her mind and she tucked the memory away, no longer troubled. Trundling out of an alleyway behind the orphan boy, she caught sight of a man hunkered down behind a wall of a nearby storefront. Further along the intersection lay five dead men, one with a significant chunk of his body torn to pieces. Unholstering her bolt pistol, she indicated to the orphan to halt before examining the man further. He was garbed in rather fine clothing yet signs of wear were apparent, especially weapon marks from near-misses. A warrior noble, perhaps? Blood leaked from his shoulder, trickling out from under a dented brooch. Replacing her weapon on her hip, she strode towards the injured man. "Explain to me the scene I see and perhaps I shall provide you with medical aid should I deem it satisfactory as an explanation, noble."