[b]Name:[/b] Miss Cecelia Garron [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_XUAsHcAxLHU/TQ2_MQf8clI/AAAAAAAAF1o/lX17OBxW0MA/s400/anime-girl_007-1-1-1.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gear:[/b] - Twin Fangs: Two four-inch stiletto daggers - Lockpick set - Cell phone: smartphone she's rooted and uses for music and messaging [b]History w/ the Ankou:[/b] Miss Garron has frequently been contracted for the more set-up-ish jobs. With an ability and tools to pick locks, Cecelia can get in, kill, and make it look like he slipped and broke his neck on the stairs going down. Another agent [REDACTED] was given the assassination mission, but instead found two pre-teens and a dead body that was to be his target at the house. Offered an invitation to "more money for this sort of work", Cecelia accepted, yet the male pre-teen denied this to have been their doing. He hasn't been contacted since, but the Ankou have their eyes on him so he doesn't break our secrecy.