It was a long time since Karen had witness such chaos on a battlefield. Mindless creatures were all around them, trying to eat them and even a single bite was fatal. Luckily casualties were zero… or at least so minimal that the assassin hadn’t noticed anyone all yet, but if they stood outside the walls, it was bound to happen eventually. Karen smiled as she saw the rope tumbling down the walls. Someone had climbed up and did the needed to make sure the others will be able to survive too! Her joy was short, as the wave of infected became stronger as their numbers increased. They had already realized there were alive people on this side of the fortification and were swarming towards them. The push was getting stronger and stronger. Still with the edge of her vision the assassin could see people climbing up at increased rate, now that there were ways up. [color=f7941d]“HAAAAAAAAAAA!”[/color] She screamed as she swung her scimitar with full force, decapitating 2 infected, but her body was starting to give up on her. She was ample fighter, but the way this enemy pushed their lines, was forcing her to constantly push the limits of her body capabilities. She was already swinging her blade as fast as she can and as strong as she can. When she finally saw that the number of people down in front of the wall dwindled as more and more climbed up, she slowly moved back, allowing for the others to react and make sure their battle line isn’t broken. The assassin quickly jumped at the wall, taking hold of the rope and quickly climbing up. Not even taking a moment to breath once up, she quickly turned around and looked outside the walls again.[color=f7941d]” Do we have long spears here!?”[/color] She shouted at the others inside the encampment.[color=f7941d]” If not find just long poles or something! We need to hinder the infected so those few outside can climb!”[/color] She shouted and quickly looked around the small fortification, searching for a weapon she can use like the said spears, or a bow and arrows. If she had to, she was going to use her knives, to create an opening for the people down to climb, but if she did that, she was going to have to go gather them later.