[color=82ca9d][b]"Weird."[/b][/color] Mort shook his head in disbelief. [color=82ca9d][b]"Ain't nothing [i]natural[/i] about this shit. How old are ya, anyways?"[/b][/color] After a while of walking, one of Mortimer's hops skidded to a halt, and he squinted around the curve of the land. In the distance, three figures were conversing--seemingly, a humped-looking creature, a bush of pinkish hues, and a passable human. Wondering if he was just hallucinating, the frog-like mutant turned back to Alex. [color=82ca9d][b]"Uh, d'you see that, kid?"[/b][/color] [@Letmehaveone2] [@RhineQueen] [@yukisaa]