[center][img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/answers/3380000/3380551_1381149278905.65res_300_300.jpg[/img] [h2]Team Jun: Gin Kakiyama, Location: Unknown[/h2][/center] Gian would continue talking as Gin sat there silently, listening to the man talk. It wasn't until the chains came off of him did he try to stand. His legs soon buckled from the fatigue and pain that he was in and had to use the chair as a means of stability. He let off a bit of killer intent as glared into the whiteness that would be where his eyes would be. And he would strike at him.... Strike at him for the torture he went through.... For the isolation he was left in.... But he never brought himself to do it. He just remained glaring at him, on occasion, glancing at the doorway where the torturer originally stood. To Gian though it might seem as him contemplating running. Which, he was, however, decided against it. A feeble attempt would be cause more problems. He was thrown off though at the question of Why he went on the mission and what he did. His attention being taken from the door back to Gian with the glare turning more to guilt then anything. [color=00aeef]"Why? Because I was asked to. I can see now why I was. Otherwise I wouldn't be here."[/color] He chuckled as he climbed his way back into his seat. [color=00aeef]"And you want to know what I did, huh? So I guess afterwards you'll have no need for me."[/color] His voice trailing off a bit. A lopsided grin crossed his face as he looked towards the ground. [color=00aeef]"It's what I [i]didn't[/i] do, what I should've done...Not what I did...But I couldn't do it without having guilt on my conscious, without questioning why. Everything was too shady for me but now when I look back..."[/color] He grit his teeth as he slammed his hand on the arm of the chair. [i][color=00aeef]'I'll kill'em. I swear to it I'll kill'em.[/color][/i] [color=00aeef]" I should've... I'm not useless, I'm not... Forget it..."[/color]