Jackie suppressed a look of bemusement, deciding for herself that this plan had a small chance of success. It was likely that at this point anyone left in the room would either be dead or waist deep in a bloody melee. Any avenue of escape, be it climbing up the chimney or riding out on a flying wolf would leave one quite vulnerable, meaning someone would have to be left behind to watch the escapees back. She idly wondered if Diego had been keeping anything from them, perhaps he had already visited these 'Crystal Rivers' and gained some sort of powers? It might explain his confidence. She turned for the ramp, heading over to climb her way back to the roof. If this plan of Diego's went south then the only way out would be to fight to the ground floor. She turned back for a moment before starting the climb. "If this wolf thing goes south try to fight your way up from the ground floor. We'll have them on two fronts then and should have an easier time of it. Hit hard and fast and keep moving. Don't get surrounded." With that said she continued the climb back up to the roof.