[@Chronothesis][@Teddiplier] With Naito and her goods in tow, Akiko made her way to Kukauro's house while chattering about the progress of her labors this morning. "Hey, Naito-chan, guess what I tried today? Beets! Mom had a few seeds imported so she could try it out in the garden, but I stole a few and planted them right by the rice! I...hehe...actually have no idea what kinda soil they like though. I wonder if they'll even take hold..." Subconsciously, Akiko kneaded and prodded Naito's knuckles in consideration. "I mean, even if I fail, it doesn't matter! My tank's full of hatchlings right now! I'll put in the biggest prawns so they'll have supermassive babies next year! Then I'll be floating in cash! How about that, huh? We can buy our teacher and classmates treats, and maybe I can step up the business to tiger prawns! And then...and then...well...I dunno. I'm pooped outta ideas." That didn't take too long; they were right in front of Kukauro's house. Akiko's big puppy eyes were looking into Naito's yet again, their faces less than three inches from each other. "...so...got any ideas for the mountains?" Her breath was like the ocean. Freaking salty was what it was. Akiko gave a wink. "I'll let you chew on that. Hello Kukauro-chaaaaaan! Can I kidnap your daughter today?"