Aiden let the dagger stick in the ground before picking it up and moving in a wide arc around the boar man while ran to the aid of his downed companion. Feeling a bit sorry for them, but not completely being the fact that they had obviously tried to kill Argurios just a moment before, he rushed toward where the half orc was fighting, picking up his makeshift spear on the way. There was something different about those two enemies. They weren't mindless killers like the bandits or the priests in the last town. He made a note to still keep an eye on them while he joined Argurios in the fight, though he was skeptical about how well he would. All he knew is that those two were temporarily out of the fight, and his ally needed his help. "I've got your back!" he said as he came up, nearly silent behind him. He stood with his shoulders perpendicular to Argurious and behind him. Here he could simply look either way to see behind him or in front. "I'll be your shadow and cover your openings." Aiden's plan was to cover himself with the long dagger from behind, and for whenever an enemy tried to take advantage of an opening after Argurios attacked, he would use his new camouflage and Argurios's large frame to mask himself while he would lunge at the enemy with his makeshift spear. Hopefully, this would keep Argurios fairly covered without either of them exerting too much energy at once.