Here is one character. I might make another sometime tonight but for now I really liked this concept. [hider=Veronica Winchester][center][h2][color=MediumVioletRed]Veronica Winchester[/color][/h2] [img][/img] [h3][color=MediumVioletRed]"[/color][i]So beautiful, the way they bleed; like petals falling on fresh snow...[/i][color=MediumVioletRed]"[/color][/h3] [i][color=silver]Character Theme -[/color][/i] [url=][i][color=MediumVioletRed]Queen of Rose[/color][/i][/url] [i][color=silver]Veronica stands at about 5'4" with a very slender, almost lanky build suggesting that she is not incredibly active. Her porcelain white skin is a signature of her preference for the indoors and she is usually seen wearing apparel more suited for winter. Veronica prefers the cold weather and usually adorns herself in thick jumpers, hand knitted scarves and gloves with thigh high boots and a plait skirt. She has rather simple features and not much stands out about her appearance wise, aside from perhaps her long, golden hair that is always kept waist length and flows freely.[/color][/i][/center][hr][b][u]Family Name[/u][/b] [i]Winchester[/i] [u]Given Name(s)[/u] [i]Veronica[/i] [u]Age[/u] [i]18[/i] [u]Gender[/u] [i]Female[/i] [u][b]Orb Colour[/b][/u] [i][color=MediumVioletRed]Violet Red[/color][/i] [u]Class[/u] [i][color=MediumVioletRed]Witch[/color][/i] [u]Class Description[/u] [i]The Witch is a specialisation of a Sorcerer that plays more of a supportive role than a destructive one. The Witch utilises hexes and curses to greatly hinder their foe with more of an emphasis on debilitation than damage. Do not let their low damage output fool you; when left unchecked the Witch will wreak havoc upon her enemies until they no longer possess the strength to stand against her.[/i] [u]Class Appearance[/u] [url=][i]Veronica's Witch Appearance[/i][/url] [h3][color=MediumVioletRed][i]The Witch's Skills[/i][/color][/h3][hider=List of Skills][list] [*] [u][color=MediumVioletRed]Aura of Rose[/color][/u] [i](Passive) The Witch's presence brings with it the scent of roses. Purely for aesthetic effect. Can make it quite hard for The Witch to hide against those with keener senses.[/i] [*] [u][color=MediumVioletRed]Storm Rose[/color][/u] [i]The Witch calls a lightning strike from above, dealing minor Arcane damage and slowing her opponent for 1 second.[/i] [*] [u][color=MediumVioletRed]Silence[/color][/u] [i]The Witch casts a debilitating hex upon her target, silencing her opponent for 3 seconds. Silenced opponents cannot use their skills.[/i][/list][/hider] [h3][color=MediumVioletRed][i]Cross Skills[/i][/color][/h3][hider=List of Cross Skills]N/A[/hider] [h3][color=MediumVioletRed][i]Limit Break: Rule of Rose[/i][/color][/h3][hider=Limit Break][i][color=silver]In times of grave peril, the Witch is capable of invoking the Rule of Rose. When faced with a powerful attack coming towards them, the Witch may cast Rule of Rose to completely negate the attack; both magical and physical. A powerful yet simple spell that can be saved for when the Witch's opponent insists on invoking their trump card. [LOCKED][/color][/i][/hider] [u][b]Inventory[/b][/u][list] [*] [u]Potion x5[/u] [i]Restores Health[/i] [*] [u]Mana Shards x5[/u] [i]Crush to increase Mana Regeneration over time[/i] [*] [u]Notebook[/u] [i]For writing down notes found along the adventure[/i][/list][/hider]