[img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/73/Austrar_Islands_Flag.png[/img] [i][b]Imperium of Skeptoni February 1836[/b][/i] [b][u]Treaty of Amalgamation[/u][/b] Diplomatic talks discussing this treaty have gone no where. The purpose of this treaty was to create less tension but it seems more has been created as of result. Keiser Herlad has decided to call of the treaty. Letters about the treaty being scrapped have been sent to all concerning parties. [hider=To King Alorik II] As of February 1836 the treaty of amalgamation has been scrapped. We first created the treaty to bring the southern nations closer together but it seems it has done the exact opposite. We hope that we can present you with a more appealing deal in the future but for now it seems there is nothing we can do. Signed, Keiser Herald [/hider] [hider=To Marwick Ludwig Donitz IV] As of February 1836 the treaty of amalgamation has been scrapped. We first created the treaty to bring the southern nations closer together but it seems it has done the exact opposite. We hope that we can present you with a more appealing deal in the future but for now it seems there is nothing we can do. Signed, Keiser Herald [/hider] [hider=To Duke Konrad Steinmann] As of February 1836 the treaty of amalgamation has been scrapped. We first created the treaty to bring the southern nations closer together but it seems it has done the exact opposite. Our treaty of alliance still stands and if the Grand King does get aggressive I swear to you he will die screaming for mercy. Signed, Keiser Herald [/hider]