Oh yeah, I've opted out of signing up for Rayner, I recently reread the 52 run of Grifter and started feeling the character way more than Rayner. [Center] [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/3/31666/2007326-grifter_5.jpg[/img] [color=Red] If you know all of the cons, you will never be a sucker. [/color] [color=red][B]| Identity |[/B][/color] Cole Cash “Cold Cash” [i]Alias;[/i] Isaac Darwin. [i]Soon to be:[/i] The Grifter [color=red][B]| Origin & Backstory |[/B][/color] Cole's father was a con-man, his mother died when Cole was a infant, leaving his father to care for him and his one year older brother – Max. Thusly, Cole was home schooled and always on the move, his father moving them from one city to another at least twice a year, preventing the boy from ever putting down roots. Cole took after his father, getting a faked high school diploma when he was 18. When their father died, he and his brother go separate paths. Cole turns to a life of less civilized crime. As a bank robber, he has a strict moral code – Never shoot someone. Even going so far as to beating up one of his own men when they wanted to fire at the cops in their last score. Cole got arrested, but on behest of the United States Government, he's given a second chance. Thanks to his particular skill-set, he's allowed to enter the training program to become a C.I.A operative. He turns out to be a superb marksman and a good soldier. He was assigned to join the well established special forces team known as 'The Losers', where he spent two years, till the mission that sent the team to their demise. The Losers were tricked into a assassination plot spearheaded by their handler, M. The group faked their own deaths and declared war on the Central Intelligence Agency, spending the late 90's and early 00's as under the radar criminals and low-key terrorists – all to get their revenge against their former handler. In 2003, the group came to the conclusion of their 5 year old quest, they found their handler, his identity and they disassembled the corrupt network he had build inside of the Agency. Their handler was Max, Cole's older brother. Cole put a bullet in him before disappearing from the world again. Living since then under the alias of Isaac Darwin away from the world of the military as a simple con-man and businessman, he's made a pleasant living for himself in a big office decorating the Manhattan Skyline. But yet again, his life could not grow dull and complacent, as he was abducted out of his office by invaders from outer space. [color=red][B]| Attributes |[/B][/color] Martial Training: Cole is a former soldier and a excellent marksman, his skills with a gun and in martial arts makes him one of the most dangerous soldiers on the planet. He's a well trained commando soldier and able to even without a weapon devise plans to turn the tide of a battle in his favor. Indomitable will: His psyche is made out of titanium, no torture or telepathy has been able to break his resolve. Telepathy And Telekinesis; Cole is gifted super powers by the alien race known as Deamonites, who prepares his body as a host body to take over the planet. Their abilities gives him mutant-esque psionic powers, allowing him advanced telepathy and telekinetic abilities. Their uses will become more aparent – and more powerful as time goes by. Con-Man: Cole is a master of deception, he's charismatic and devilishly intelligent, despite seeming like just another G.I. While his skill with a gun and the edge his powers give him are helpful, it's his skills as a con-artist that helps him out of trouble the most often. [color=red][B]| Character Notes |[/B][/color] [i]Will be filled out as characters and locations are introduced around him.[/i] [color=red][b]| Character Goals |[/b][/color] I have two goals with Grifter; to bring attention and interesting interactions to one of my favorite DC characters, as I feel like he needs it considering how under appreciated he is in the DC universe. But I also wanna make a character that can mesh well with the fact that all of the comic book universes exists inside of Maimum, such as him being part of the Losers. I'll be starting off with him being on the Deamonite Ships, escaping and finding out about his powers while struggling to control his psionic powers. [color=red][b]| References |[/b][/color] [url=https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/xfa-blog-entry/the-brotherly-bond.5071/]#1[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2867278]#2[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2990945]#3[/url] [/center]