I would like to join [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/37/6b/16/376b163861ced2645f91649c8d15d67c.jpg[/img] Quote: “The way I see it, you can only go forward. There's no going back.” Name: Jack Harper Age: 23 Gender: Male Height: 6'1” Weight: 175 lbs Ethnicity: White Sexuality: Straight Religion: Agnostic Occupation: Customer service representative. Ability: Biological Manipulation Personality: Jack is a happy character and tries to see the good in everybody. He's very patient and understanding. He's also very care free and lives day to day. Lover of the earth and animals, and avid smoker of the chronic. Jack doesn't get angered very easily, but if you manage to push just the right buttons he will explode on you. Background: Growing up, Jack and his family were not well of in terms of money. His mother got by but just barely. In school he would always have low grades until the very end of the school year, then he would always finish with a GPA of 3.5 or better. Nothing special ever happened in Jacks life, it was a very average life to live. He had a few close friends he would spend time with, he would occasionally drink, but often smoked. Nothing out of the ordinary happened to him until his 21st birthday. Being his 21st birthday he had a big birthday bash, plenty of weed and alcohol for all. After having many drinks he decided it was time to play five finger fillet. He grabbed a kitchen knife and gathered people around and began while singing the new song that had become all the craze. Once things started speeding up he lost control and stabbed one of his fingers. There was a small panic at first but Jack quickly reassured every one that it was just a cut and everything was fine. He bandaged himself up and went on as though nothing had happened, the part continued. The next morning he woke up to find that there was no wound from the previous night. This is when Jacks normal life became interesting. Knowing full well he should have had a gash from that knife he immediately went to google for help. At first he thought he just was able to heal incredibly fast. Super human in fact. Jack tested himself to see if this was the case. He would cut himself on his upper arms to see how fast he could heal. As time passed he learned he could do so much more than heal. He figured out that he could change his body in a way that nobody else could. He could change features of his face, colors of his hair and eyes. It was then that he figured out he could manipulate his own biology. Once he figured this out he really started to progress. Being a fan of video games he knew of someone who could do the same thing as he could. He used this for reference when testing his powers for manipulating his body. This power gave him the mind set that he could finally make a difference in this world. And that's what he was going to do.