[hider=My character] In Real Life Name: Greg Summers Age: 22 Bio: He works in a factory, keeping the equipment running. Or, at least he did until the factory fired him because he was speaking out against some of its parent company's actions. With no other companies willing to hire him, as the parent company basically ran the entire city, he decided to try and earn a living in VR, though he doubted he could actually earn any real money in there. Appearance: [img]http://thumb101.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/487144/120789973/stock-photo-young-man-being-arrested-by-police-officer-120789973.jpg[/img] Inciting a riot? Are you serious? In Game Character Name: Hiam Race: Sun Elf Blood trait: Sungod's Mage Blessing: (some Sun Elfs have this trait, others have a Warrior Blessing) In the day time, spells are 20% more powerful. In direct sunlight, recover Mana 50% faster (potions restore 50% more as well). Bio: He works as a crafter and priest of the Sun, with power based on the Sun's power. Unfortunately the shear number of crafters means that there's never enough raw materials to just craft and earn money. Appearance: [img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/7a6a/f/2012/354/7/3/half_elf_of_al_karn_by_shabazik-d5olfci.png[/img] History: 300 years ago a group of Elves fled their war torn nation, making their way across the desert (I didn't see one on the map). When their supplies began to run out half way across, they were contacted by the Sun. It offered to save them and teach them to survive in its land if they would serve it. Those that agreed were lead to a cave which had a pool of water in it. There they made a Covenant with the Sun. As long as they or their descendants served it, the Sun would let them use its strength. They built a city there and, when the war ended and trade routes started moving through the area, the city became a major trade hub. They could now easily leave for other cities, and others could come there. [/hider]