Name: James McCloud Age: 23 Appearance: [img][/img] Abilities: Advanced Level Teleportation: James is capable of teleporting large distances, from one side of a football field to another. He can also teleport objects or people up to his size. He can teleport those objects or people either with him or by themselves. James has to be able to see where he is teleporting to or have been there. He also leaves behind a small black cloud of residue that dissipates quickly when he teleports. His body heals at a slightly faster rate when he is not teleporting. However, constant teleportation will tax this and with overuse of his teleportation his body can start to breakdown. Personality: James is usually a sarcastic and easy-going person. Despite the fact that he is rather pessimistic about people in general. He can be rather reckless at times and is always quick with a quip or snarky remark. James does have the ability to be very serious if he needs to be. His morals are in mostly grey areas. He tends to do what seems right at the time. History: His powers manifested themselves at an early age. Scared of what he, or society, might do, they put James in an orphanage for mutants at an early age. There he learned how to use the basic levels of his powers. At the age of 12 the orphanage was mysteriously burnt to the ground. All those that survived ended up living on the streets and fending for themselves. James now lives his life as a basic street "hustler", as he puts it. He considers his life similar to that of Robin Hood, in that he only steals from the more wealthy and gives to himself.