Character Sheet Image [IMG][/IMG] Quote: "Don't worry, I won't kill you. All I want is respect" Name: Viktor Age: 30 Gender: Male Height: 6 ft Weight: 10 stone Ethnicity: White British Sexuality: Straight Religion: None Occupation: Professional fighter Ability: Omnipotence (He has a power because he disguises himself as human) Personality: Viktor is not and will never be an aggressive person. He may look it due to his large arsenal of deadly bacterial l covered quills, but Viktor isn't an aggressive person. Instead Viktor is very calm. He is smart and thinks clearly. Nothing ever worries him, he is always so patient. To hi, there is always a reason to smile. You just need to find it. He will help anyone he sees, no matter good or bad. As he believes everyone should have a chance at redemption. Viktor almost never uses his quills to defend himself as personally he doesn't like them. They can easily kill large predators and honestly, he isn't a killer. In fact, he doesn't ever eat meat. His quills are simply a defence that his body has developed. No matter how hard people try, they will never scare him. They can try anything, and he won't be surprised. He has come to expect the unexpected. He hasn't seen everything there is, not by a long shot but he has come to terms with most things and honestly not much surprises him nor scares him. He doesn't brag about it. He doesn't like bragging instead he will just be calm and relaxed like he always is. Background: Will work on later. Is everything ok so far?