[@Leslie Hall] Love both of the characters, join in whenever you want! For stats, you can use whatever system you want, and whatever scaling you want. Since it's just a way to represent the otherwise abstract capabilities of the body, it won't really have any meaningful effect, but it's a good way to show others what you're good at. You could use a grade scaling (A/B/S/etc) or D&D stats if you're more familiar with those (typically 8-18 with slow progression). I myself am using a pretty simple scale. HP goes up to 9999 on it's own, at a rate of 50 per level on average. Stats go up to 999, at a rate of 5 per level on average, scaling depending on abilities (end result for a Sundancer would be 800 ish STR, max (999) AGI, 950~ WIS, less for the other stats). Feel free to use that one if you want.