[center][img]https://photos-5.dropbox.com/t/2/AADLQ9QxSKCFfGGKIKK8KWxUVTkhuPUT0f81MMDE2L0yoA/12/3843382/png/32x32/1/1443204000/0/2/anti_elegance_by_amsbt-d7zyxfe.png/CLbK6gEgASACIAMgBCAFIAYgBygC/-uk8fLmzU0_yDLeZomSyX_qqyKLqLiqmPg6N4Vs6Bw0?size_mode=5[/img] [h1]Moriko Akiyama[/h1] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "My poor mother begged for a sheep, but raised a wolf." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/center] Personal Info -- Age: No. -- Gender: Female. ◥ Sexuality: Asexual -- Look: ◥ Hair: White, long. ◥ Eyes: Green. ◥ Height: 6'6. ◥ Weight: 189. -- Tone: Harsh and accented, although the accent is hard to pinpoint. Psychological Info -- Persona: ◥ Alignment: Chaotic Good. ◥ Interests: Nature, animals, knitting, murder. Inventory -- Fashion: ◥ Head: Usually some large animal skull. ◥ Body: Earth tones. Lots of tank tops. ◥ Legs: Lots of skirts. So many skirts. ◥ Feet: No.