[img]http://edmsauce.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/But-Wait-Theres-More.jpg[/img] -Dictator GMs whose directions has to be exactly followed by the roleplayers. Seriously, if you want a story where you are absolutely in charge of then you should just write a damn story yourself instead. -8 gorillion Harry Potter RPs, 21 brazillion Sword Art Online RPs, 53 zimbabwillion Naruto RPs, 3895249028492839202919121002901091 unfortillion Greek God-themed/"Percy Jackson" RPs. And if most, if not all of them are just of the same damn premise. This is why I'm not keen on fandom roleplays. -Anime expies on supposedly serious roleplays, Jesus Christ. Getting caught in the middle of the raid and suddenly there's an annoying, overly girlish "IYAAAAAAAAH!~" outta nowhere because a masochistic girl interpreted getting beat with bats as getting pounded with dicks. Can you not ruin the moment? -[i]Bump. Bump. BUMP. bump. BUMP. Reboot. Post. Dead. BUMP. BUMP. BUMP. Reboot.[/i] It's dead, god damn it! I know it feels hard on you, but put that lifeless roleplay out to pasture already. Try presenting a different one. -Someone gets promoted to authority in an RP and boom. There's some guy who opposes that move because they think they are plotting/have plotted something, and argues it in the OOC where everything spirals out of control and kills the RP. Complain in a PM instead, it's better confined and quarantined there.