"[b]I do what I can.[/b]" Dimitri retorted as he watched Damien dig into his food. Dimitri mulled over the idea of having to look further into the ghoul issue and gave a small sigh at the idea of more work being piled on top of the nightly patrols. "[b]Guess it can't be helped. I still wanna know why whoever did this chose ghouls of all things. I mean, there are plenty of other fast breeding creatures. Wendigos spread like rabbits thanks to that bite of theirs, and they're smart enough to follow orders so long as you give 'em fresh meat.[/b]" Dimitri stated while opened up a cabinet to fetch his own plate and a fork, meanwhile Brutus trotted into the kitchen and promptly sat in front of Izzy, having long since learned that most of the males in the house weren't nearly as likely to give up food if he gave them the puppy dog look. Dimitri ladled a healthy bit of alfredo onto his plate and gave a pointed stare at his dog, "[b]Cut the shit Brutus, you know you can't have table food. I'm raising a hunting dog, not a lardass.[/b]". Brutus' ears swiveled in Dimitri's direction, a clear indication that he'd heard what was said, however the pup stayed planted and began to whine softly and paw at Izzy's feet in an effort to ramp up the cuteness factor to get both a treat and Dimitri off of his back.