So I have a few cravings, and am looking for a partner that can either be a F or a M for any of the pairings listed below. I am a proponent for romance, but of course it would fall into place as the desired plot for the pairing went on. As for plots, I am pretty open, and we can discuss what might strike your fancy. I don't mind under age role plays, but the plot has to be right for it. I ask for at least one paragraph per reply in role play partners, but getting more tickles me. I usually at least post two or three, but can keep it to at least one if more than that overwhelms you. I would prefer to be a female character, but like mentioned before I am open to having a F or M partner. Okay, so here is a list of my current cravings, but if you want to try a different pairing just let me know. I am not a fan of fandom's unfortunately, my apologies, but the idea of acting out a copyrighted character doesn't really catch my attention or desire. The only other thing is that I prefer to role play in threads. So, pairings: Princess/Thief Thief/Prince{or Princess) Country Maiden/ Royal Family Member Elemental/Leader of some sort of nation or army Human/Vampire Human/Demon Angel/Demon Angel/Thief