[hider=Mika Baozai] [color=yellow][h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3][/color] [color=yellow][b]Name:[/b] [/color] [INDENT][i]Miká Baozái[/i] (Formerly [i]Mika Shièn[/i])[/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [/color] [INDENT][i]Zǎoshàng Méiguī[/i] (Means Morning Rose in Chinese)[/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Gender:[/b] [/color] [INDENT]Female[/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Age:[/b] [/color] [INDENT]20[/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Height:[/b] [/color] [INDENT]5'6ft[/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Weight:[/b] [/color] [INDENT]174lb[/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Home-District:[/b] [/color] [INDENT]Out of town - Currently staying with the Vuhongs in Central-Valley[/INDENT] [color=yellow][h3][b][u]Appearance[/u][/b][/h3][/color] [color=yellow][b]Hair Color:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Black[/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Eye Color:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Dark-Brown[/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Ethnicity:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Asian - Chinese, & Japanese[/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Physical Appearance:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Mika is a girl that has a bit of thickness to her body. Mika has a few extra pounds on her, she's a little chubby. Her limbs have fat packed on them, and she has a bit of a gut. Not morbidly obese, one could put her in the chubby category. Her body is thicker than most girls. Of course, this extra body weight gives ways to some curves. Her thighs and calves are thick, and her behind is quite big and round. Surprisingly, Mika's arms have a bit of body fat on them, but either way aren't too notable. They're more thin than anything, though her upper arms are a bit fat. Plenty of this fat appears in her breast size, as they're quite large. All in all, Mika has an apple-frame. Though, if you're into that, Mika's body could be quite attractive. Continuing, Mika stands a few inches above the female average at 5'6ft, and weighs 184lb. A [i]lot[/i] heavier than the average female standard. Mika's next defining feature is that, if the name didn't tip you off, she obviously has Asian roots in her. Her skin color is a whitish color with a heavy golden undertone. Her facial features give away clearly that she is Asian. To be exact, Mika is part Chinese, and part Japanese. Not that one would be able to easily tell her heritage without having spent a lot of time around Asian people. At first impression, all people note is that she's Asian and that's it. Mika's skin, surprisingly, doesn't have too many stretch marks, and is rather clear at a first glance. There's a few stretch marks on her upper legs and arms, but, of course, nothing that can't be covered with some clothes. As for scars, fortunately, Mika has been able to keep herself free of them. Not completely free, like everyone, she has a few small scars here and there. Most interesting is that Mika has a mass of small, thin, slashing scars on her forearms and upper body. Like someone cut her with a small knife. However, these scars are fading. Mika does have some blemishes and moles here and there. Mika's hair is a very dark color, and is quite straight. Most of all, her hair is long, styled into a ponytail that reaches down past her back. With bangs brushed over her forehead, right above her eyebrow. Due to how well maintained it is, it's pretty clean. She keeps a flower braided into her hair (Usually a pink flower). Mika's facial features are round, aren't very pronounced, and are distinctly Asian. Her entire head has an even oval shape. Her cheeks are very round and somewhat big, but they blend into the rest of her facial features perfectly. They've been described as baby cheeks. Her jaw is rounded, and her jawline is somewhat, and it gives way to her square chin that blends into her jawline seamlessly. Mika's mouth is rather narrow, and her lips have their own size. She has a thin upper lip, with a much thicker bottom lip. Above her mouth is her large, upturned-shaped, nose, that has a bit of width due to it's large nostrils. It doesn't point out too much. Mika's brown eyes are almond shaped, and, consistent with her Asian roots, slanted. Above them are thin eyelashes that get bigger as they go inwards. Usually behind her round glasses. Mika speaks slowly, with a thick Chinese accent.[/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Attire:[/b] [/color] [INDENT]One thing Mika has is that she has a sense of style. She has access to a variety of clothes that accentuate her figure. None of her outfits are really overtly expensive or Fancy, since Mika doesn't like to "overdo" it. Nice clothes are nice and all, but there's little point in walking around in wearing nothing but an expensive dress other than stroking her own ego. Otherwise, Mika's style is reminiscent of a "schoolgirl". A long, modest (Sometimes short), skirt, and a variety of dress shirts. Often she wears a jacket over the dress shirt. She'd wear other outfits, her style could be casual, or professional. Though never punk, tough, or rave. She hates those styles. Of course, Mika has very expensive, round, thin, metal rimmed glasses, that she never takes off.[/INDENT] [color=yellow][h3][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/h3][/color] [color=yellow][b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Vain, insanely polite, some might even call her spoiled. Mika is a girl that was known to put on a facade of elegance above all else. It shows in the way she dresses, the way she acts. She tries to appear as composed and in control of her emotions as possible. After all, she wants everyone to know that she's a woman of stature. It's a facade that slips quite often. Often when she's pushed, or angered, she drops it in favor of a more "Uncivilized" persona she has deep down. Throwing hissy fits like a child, swearing, and insulting people. Mika walks around as if she is the queen of the castle, and top class. Looking down on the unsophisticated people in the world. To say the least, Mika would proudly avoid contact with anyone she deems "uncivilized". The people who fight, do drugs/drink, and act as if they have no sense. This trait often shows in the few, rare, instances that she interacts with them. A few offhand comments about them being "rednecks" (Or something along the lines of that), or she'd ignore them altogether. As to Mika, she's on a whole different level than them. Obviously, Mika is very haughty and egotistical. Mika judges people based on their attire, demeanor, and actions. If they meet her criteria of an interesting person, then Mika probably wouldn't mind having a talk with them. She isn't anti-social in the slightest, just judgmental and vain. People who are rich are the kind of people who Mika would prefer talking to above all else. That isn't to say that she isn't willing to talk to someone who's middle-class, long as they aren't annoying. Well, people might say that she's annoying as hell. When in social situations, some people may mistake Mika for a wall-flower. She's quiet, and only talks when she has something to say. It is because she chooses her words very carefully, and always takes the time to consider what she has to say. People could say that she's very polite, and far more mature than a girl her age should be. Otherwise, she keeps quiet and absorbs information. However, if someone were to spark her interests, it'd be hard as hell to get her to shut up about it. Clothes, music, tennis, boys, and a variety of subjects are enough to set her off. A trait of hers that people find annoying as hell. She tries not to be annoying. Mika also has a problem connecting with people - her time at the Academy has showed her that more than anything. She feels that she's too different, and that is the trouble. She tries to connect to people to the best of her ability, but ends up pushing them away. Which is why her own group of "true" friends is small. Mika is also a girl that is very slow to trust. Because of her wealthy past, she's always on guard. Even around people she may call her "friends". She always keeps one eye on people, and relies on herself more than anything. She always has a fear that people only want anything to do with her because she has money. Which is kinda why she has taken a liking to keeping her wealthy backstory a secret to the best of her ability. Though, it slips in her attire, and the way she carries herself. Mika reveals little about herself. The walls she has built up around herself let very little slip. To her, her emotions, past, and what goes on deep down are strictly off limits to others. When asked about them, she'll either dismiss them with one line, keeps quiet, or changes the subject. Not to say that she won't brag about her accomplishments or what she's done. Mika is proud to talk about those things. She'll gladly talk about the things that are within her interests. Just in case you got the idea that she's closed off about [i]everything[/i]. Nor is she completely sociopathic, she will give people a shoulder to cry on whenever she can. Other things she keeps a secret is the true nature of her power. To the world, she is a Telekinetic, not a [i]telepath[/i] or even a [i]Power Replicator[/i]. Mika knows that some people don't take too kindly to those types of Meta-humans. However, keeping her telepathy a secret allows her to be much nosier. Naturally curious, Mika goes out and seeks new information and experiences. Especially the kind of things that people keep behind closed-doors. She's a mystery-solver. Whatever interesting mysteries present themselves to her, she goes out of her way to solve them. She could be called nosy, curious about what people try the hardest to hide, and willing to snoop around. Her telepathy makes this much easier. She wishes to be a journalist, so she believes this curiosity and investigative knowledge is crucial for. Mika also loves herself some gossip. Sharing and receiving, Mika loves talking about people's dirty rumors. In fact, she's the type of person who'd spread it herself! She sometimes peeks into people's heads and casually spread them as rumors. Mika is fully aware that it's a massive invasion of privacy and abuse of her powers. But, long as people don't know about it, then it won't hurt them. Mika's morality isn't as strong as other people, she calls herself a true neutral, though she's more apathetic than anything. Mika simply doesn't have that drive and passion to go out and change the world. Mika mostly lets the people around her do as they please, and chooses to stick to her own business. Mika wouldn't help a friend in battle, and would gladly delegate to the sidelines. Because, she thinks that a lot of the confrontations people get into are meaningless ruckus that could be solved if people swallowed their pride. She personally doesn't care for other peoples calls to arm, and heroism just seems crazy to her. Though, while she won't help people personally, that doesn't mean that she just doesn't care. If someone was getting robbed, then she would certainly call for help, or at least assist from a distance. Still, her humanity will certainly shine through if the moment calls for it. If there's no other option, then she'll definitely get involved herself. Though, she's not that much of a fighter. Mika is a girl that cares very much for her independence, and freedom. She refuses to be chained to other people's causes because they said so. However, if necessary, Mika will rise to the challenge, and show profound bravery. Mika has a strange fascination with hands. She stares at beautiful hands like a pervert would stare at breasts. It's often the one thing that she stares at when she's nervous about people. Speaking of which, Mika has a nervous tick. Whenever the gal gets nervous, she starts rubbing her hands. Often rubbing things on her hands such as lotion, water, or just anything she could get her hands on. She'd also flip if her hands are dirty, or greasy in anyway. Yes, hands are somewhat of a fetish for Mika. Actions with hands, and pretty hands, are a major turn-on for her. [/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [/color] [INDENT]Skills? Well, Mika herself has said that she's remarkably talentless, and because she didn't have too many hobbies that would build them, she doesn't have too many skills. She hasn't exactly played too many sports, but she does play plenty of tennis has a hobby. And doing it for a few years has made her pretty kickass at it. Not that she would be going pro anytime soon, but she'll kick any beginner's ass. Mika is also quite intelligent, and observant. Mika is also learning how to speak Chinese. Spending a few years around a largely Chinese family has helped, and she can keep a conversation going. Though, she hasn't exactly mastered the language, there's a few errors she'd speak here and there. Other than that, yes, she's unremarkable.[/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]History/Bio:[/b][/color] [hider=Mika's Backstory][INDENT]Mika's story begins long before she was even born. Mika is the daughter of a rich Chinese businessman known as Jiao-Long Baozai, owner of a big Pharmaceutical company that works very closely with the Savior Foundation. His bastard daughter! She was the result of an affair between him and her mother, Akira Shen. Who was merely a Secretary for the company. After she was born, her father kept Mika's existence a secret. Because if word got out that he got a bastard, it would bring great shame to his family and company. He gave money to them on a regular to keep her quiet about his child. Which was enough for them to live in relative comfort. They had a nice house, and all Akira had to say was that she was an only mother - which was a lie she told even her daughter. Akira kept working for the company just to keep the guise up. That said, there isn't too much to say about Mika's early childhood, she was like all other Asian children. She went to school, she played, she lived. However, she was a bit chunky as a kid. Which was great reason for the other childruns to bully her. For the next couple of years, Mika's life went smoothly. There isn't much to note. Mika didn't exactly have too many hobbies or skills to develop other than playing with toys. When she was eight, however... that was when her life took a bit of a turn. Her mother had developed lung cancer, easily one of the most dangerous forms of cancer for women. Likely caused by her smoking habit she never dropped. The whole ordeal was expensive, and very stressful for Mika and her mother. However, it was an uphill battle, Akira didn't exactly drop a few habits, and the cancer cells spread to other places in her body. Which, unfortunately, caused the woman's demise. Akira died, and it left Mika without a family. This was the single saddest moment in her life. Every night she cried herself to sleep, knowing that her mother was dead and she's alone. She prepared for a life of foster care... however, her father had stepped in. While he wanted to keep a secret, he wasn't that heartless. Obviously, he took her under his wing, and revealed her as his daughter. From there, Mika's life took a turn for the better. She was integrated into the Baozai family. She moved into their mansions in Black Fall, Pennsylvania, got their clothes, and more. Most of all, Mika got to meet her new lovely sisters: Lin, Jia-li, and Kura. All of which Mika was older than. They didn't mesh well at first, and had their conflicts, but in the end, they were an inseparable group. Mika didn't exactly get to interact with her father as much as she thought she would. He was a very busy man, always working. Who mostly raised Mika and her sisters was the team of maids and butlers. Which always left Mika wanting something more. However, Mika was sent to a high-tier school, and told to excel. Which she did. She was also pushed into a sport... Well, she didn't really like sports or anything physical. However, she did take a liking to Tennis once she got it. But as the girls grew older, they grew to be quite the adventurous sort. They had money, and the time. With very little supervision, they could go out and do as they please. Fortunately, the daughters weren't exactly well known. All they had to do was dressed a little more locally, and they were all set. However, during one of their adventures, Lin had manifested her power. Suddenly, her older sister can read thoughts. Which was convenient, as it allowed them to avoid getting assaulted by some unsavory individuals. After getting home, they had a long discussion with each other about it. There, they decided to keep Lin's power their secret. Eventually, Lin realized that she could shape-shift to reflect the thoughts of others. However, like dominoes falling over, each of their powers activated one at a time. Next to get their power was Kura, followed by Jia-Li. Kura had the ability to manipulate bolts of lightning to her whims. While Jia-li could alter a mixture of light and darkness she calls "twilight". For awhile, it appeared as if Mika didn't even have a power at all, but she tagged along in their adventures. Like many of Black Fall's youth, they got into a variety of superhuman shenanigans. They solved mysteries, fought people, and most of all, they encountered Black Fall's many superhuman youth. They got entangled with them, making unlikely friends out of them. Most of all, they met the Valos family's group of children, Jake, Gabriela, Camille, Veronica, Joshua and Jaska. After a great misunderstanding, which involved lasers and explosions, of course. The Valos kids were much like them. Rich, bored, adventurous, and most of all, Metahumans. This was where the Baozai and Valos families intertwined. They met up plenty of times and had fun. Even going on adventures together. Eventually, Lin and Jake hooked up - but that was none of Mika's concern, really. What [i]was[/i] her concern was the fact that extended time around so many Metahumans sparked the energy within Mika. She had developed the ability to copy powers. Which she discovered after she met a very rude boy named Jago Javuant - which ended with her punching him square in the nose (incorrectly, thus hurting her own wrist). During the contact, Mika had copied his ability of telekinesis. It manifested, and she promptly lost control of it. Objects were flying around wildly, and causing property damage, and injuring people - fortunately, the boy had enough of a heart to lend a hand, and protect people using an ability he had (that Mika also had). NEST got involved, and Mika was promptly taken in. Her father could easily cover the damages, but NEST wasn't particularly happy with an out of control incident like this. So, they drafted her into the Academy Program, and she was assigned to Academy 218. She didn't have to go about it alone - the rest of the Baozais signed up, and it didn't take too long for the Valos to follow behind them. After arriving in Alaska, Mika went through many changes in this Academy. She basically became a lot more condescending, after seeing the droves of Superhuman basket cases for herself. It made her dedicate herself into becoming composed as possible. Mika quickly made a name for herself with her haughty attitude - while her sisters were having fun, and enjoying the Academy for all it's worth. However, the Academy did teach her much about her power, and she learned that she was [i]actually[/i] a power replicator. She copied her sister's telepathic ability, and entered a whole new world. Opposed to copying the powers of every last Cerebral type out there, Mika choose to stick to herself. She didn't need anymore powers (Though, she learned that she could strengthen her power by copying similar powers). Other than changing a lot, and advancing her ability, Mika didn't do much of note there. She had plenty of zany adventures on that Alaskan island dragged along by the Valos, and her sisters! She kept to herself otherwise. Her father called with a rather strange request for her one night: find and befriend a girl named Fiona Barrett, and keep track of her for him. That was odd, but Mika went through with it. It only got even more odd once it came out that Fiona was walking insect. After a bit of warming up, Mika and Fiona became friends. However, one night, a monster from the woods of the Academy attacked, and prowled the Academy like a hunter. Attacking many people in the process (Killing four). Mika was attacked by the monster - but saved herself using her telekinesis, and the timely arrival of the superhomies (Only formed once a monster shows up). They battled the monster until they killed it. That was the event at the end of the school semester - ending it with a bang. After school ended, Mika's sisters went back to Black Fall for the summer... except for Lin, who wanted to go to a party in Verthaven with her boyfriend. Mika went with her to keep her safe. Fun was had, she met her cousin (Meifeng), and then she helped catch a thief. The next morning, they walked around Verthaven, until Meifeng broke off from them, and got captured by the Hands of Science - before escaping with the help of her aunt. Mika beats herself up for letting this happen. Though, Mika had no choice but to go back to Black Fall with her sister. However, Mika found herself heading back to Verthaven. In light of recent events, her father has work to attend to in Verthaven, and he offered everyone to come along as a vacation for them. Mika agreed - only because the rest of her siblings had agreed. Though, after getting into a rather intense argument with her father, she threw a hissyfit, and arranged to stay with the Vuhongs. On their wacky adventures. [/INDENT][/hider] [color=yellow][h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3][/color] [color=yellow][b]Family:[/b] [/color] [INDENT]Mother - Akira Shen (Deceased) Father - Jiao-Long Baozai Step-Mother - Chunhua Baozai Aunt - Lihua Vuhong (Has Concrete Manipulation) Sister - Lin Baozai (Has a combination of Shape-Shifting and Telepathy) Sister - Jia-Li Baozai (Can manipulate a mixture of light and darkness) Sister - Kura Baozai (Has Electrokinesis) Cousin - Meifeng Vuhong (Has water manipulation) Cousin - Lijuan Vuhong[/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Dynamics:[/b][/color] [indent][b]Lihua Vuhong[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Aunt[/b] | [color=yellow][i]"She and I are quite similar. We talk to each other often through our phones, and I can tell that she is a weathered woman. Weathered by what is the question. Still, we get along quite well, and she treats me with respect. She apparently knows my maturity enough to give me some form of authority over Meifeng... let's see where that goes."[/i][/color] | [b]Meifeng Vuhong[/b] | [b]Mixed[/b] | [b]Troublesome Cousin[/b] | [color=yellow][i]"Acts like a redneck constantly... I find her rather annoying. Though, our banter is entertaining... Who knows, maybe some day she'll get some sense, and learn to stop trying to solve all her problems with her fist."[/i][/color] |[/indent] [color=yellow][h3][b][u]Abilities[/u][/b][/h3][/color] [color=yellow][b]Power Class:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Cerebral/Power[/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Power:[/b] [/color] [i]Cerebral-Based Power-Replication.[/i] [INDENT]All the powers work on a similar level to each other, work on a similar frequency. Which is why they're placed into categories. Body, Mind, and so on. However, Mental-type Metahumans have an energy focused in their mind, which has been called "Psychic Energy". Without rambling, Mika can absorb a bit of this energy and replicate the power by extended contact. So basically, this power is a form of Power Replication that can only copy mental powers. Now, unlike other forms of Power Replication, Mika doesn't exactly get an exact copy of the power. During the replication process, the power mutates a bit. It may differ from the original in terms of function. For example, if Mika copied telekinesis: maybe she has to touch the object first, where the owner didn't. Sometimes the difference is big, sometimes it's small. Mika can freely discard powers, but it takes a lot of concentration (She'll also have to overcome a certain weakness first). It's also possible for Mika to copy powers from full Power Replicators long as they're currently using a mind power. Just in the case Mika copies two very similar powers, they will combine and Mika will gain a boost to said power. Below are the powers that Mika currently has copied (In case you didn't get that from her backstory you Scrublet): [/INDENT] [list] [*][i]Telekinesis & Telekinetic Shields.[/i] [indent]Mika has the power to move objects with her mind. Mika has a surprisingly high telekinetic strength, capable of lifting multiple heavy objects, and throw them. Other than that, it's typical telekinesis. She can move objects, not alter things at a molecular level or anything silly. Mika can create a shield out of telekinetic energy around herself. Which appear to be transparent, white, thick, and glassy. They can stop everything physical (Energies and non-solids simply pass through them). They're durable enough to stop a barrage from multiple low caliber firearms (And maybe last a few seconds against a higher caliber assault rifle), or take a punch from a super strong Metahuman. It's very possible for Mika to fly if she stands on an object she is controlling. It requires balance, though. The kind of balance she doesn't have.[/indent] [/list] [list] [*][i]Telepathy.[/i] [indent]Copied from her younger sister, Mika has Telepathy. Like her sister, Mika's telepathy is very basic. She can read the thoughts of other people, and send any thought to people. At the moment, Mika can read surface and innate thoughts, with memories being currently out of her potential. Mika can also has a "people sense" by sensing psychic signatures, and she can tap into those signatures to read thoughts. It has a limited range, but with a little bit of focus, Mika can extend that range. An offensive technique Mika has thought of is relatively simple actually. She can flood peoples heads with a bunch of random thoughts.[/indent] [/list] [color=yellow][b]Limits:[/b][/color] [indent]Obviously, Mika can only copy mind powers. Mika can't use two powers at once, she can only switch between them. She has to stop using one power in order to use another. Mika can only retain six powers at a time. Once she reaches her limit, she must discard one before she absorbs another. The more/larger objects she controls, the main strain will be put on her. Thus, the harder it will be for her to control everything. Mika cannot move people at all, nor herself. The most she can do is move them [i]with[/i] objects. As for the shields, Mika can only keep them manifested for a period of time. Around ten minutes, before they dissipate. Her shields also don't move, and block attacks from both sides. And, as I mentioned before, it can only block physical/solids. She [i]can[/i] use both her shields and telekinesis at the same time, but the mental strain would be so exhausting that she'd only be able to do it for a few seconds. So, basically, she has to use one, or the other. Mika can only read one mind at a time. Mika has a range of ten meters, only capable of extending it with focus (Possibly overexerting herself). And let me just go over the usual thing and say that excessively using her power causes nosebleeds, headaches, and the sort.[/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b][/color][INDENT] First and foremost, Mika doesn't know how to use the powers right from the start. She'll have to learn how to use them herself. Coupled with the fact that her powers are different from the original, Mika will always be far behind the owner (Unless they were to have an accident...). Another weakness she has is that, once she copies a power, she will be stuck with it until she becomes proficient in it. Meaning she won't be able to swap it out for another power until she gets good at using it. She can't really discard the power either, because that would require her to be good at using it. So she may get stuck with a bad power. Mika's telekinesis requires concentration, and the bigger the use, the more concentration she needs to put in. Breaking her concentration, naturally, cancels all current uses of telekinesis. It's also linked to her emotional state. In times of heavy emotion, her powers are harder to control. The same two weaknesses apply to the shield aspect, along with a few other weaknesses. Any attack that the shield takes backlashes against Mika mentally, causing more mental strain to keep the shield going. If it goes on for too long, the shield will break, and Mika will be mighty rattled for a few moments, leaving her exposed. There's only so much her telepathy can take. If someone were to think a lot of thoughts, Mika would receive a severe psychic shock. One hell of a headache and will be jolted for a few moments. Mika will also have to shift through people's minds in order to get to the thoughts she wants to. The random, intrusive, and sexual, thoughts that nobody will want to see. The more intense thoughts tend to overwhelm all the other thoughts - making it harder to read what she wants.[/INDENT] [color=yellow][h3][b][u]Other:[/u][/b][/h3][/color] [INDENT]Mika's father is one of the Saviors. His company works on creating a cure for Metahumans known as the Baozai Pharmaceutical Company. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgWc4sD7zzg[/youtube] [/INDENT] [/hider]