[b]Name:[/b] White Rabbit [b]Species:[/b] Lemurian [b]Age:[/b] Very "Old" [b]Appearance:[/b] http://i.imgur.com/ZqykiVq.jpg [b]Abilities:[/b] "Psychic": Not actually a psychic. Beings of her race have the capacity to "manipulate vectors". Usually this is used to transfer their consciousness across worlds, but she doesn't have much talent or skill in this. They are capable of minor(but very precise and efficient) telekinesis, and she can also create fairly accurate "illusions". Eldritch Biology: The xeno race that her consciousness inhabits has a physical capacity far above any human. Further, they're capable of manipulating their current body to increase certain physical attributes and change the structure of their internal body. To some limited degree they can directly change their outward structure as well, but anything beyond essentially cosmetic changes cannot be done. Useful for regeneration, though their regenerative ability does not naturally show up in combat; its very effective at keeping them alive long term, but it doesn't really let them heal major wounds mid combat. Further, their body is made out of materials not natural to humanoid concepts, and their xeno biology reflects this. It goes without saying that her "mentality" is Eldritch as well. "Soldier": White Rabbit is a legendary soldier in its universe of origin. With extreme amounts of natural talent, they are a soldier among soldiers. They are one of the original inventors of Space-CQC, and are an insane marksmen, not requiring even sights or a spotter to perform shots that are impossible. However, they hold a disdain for most melee weapons and prefer to use their hands or ranged weapons, especially handguns. The way they look at the battlefield is from a seasoned veteran with the calculating capacity of a quantum computer. Equipment: White has access to a variety of (nigh exclusively) ranged weaponry, allowing them the capacity to adapt and changed tactics while fighting, or to "fit in" within a particular universe much easier. This can range from plasma, orthodox(terran) ballistics, to even laser weaponry and gyro weapons and everything in between. They further have access to a stealth suit that makes it more difficult to detect White with technological or super natural means. It is capable of mimicking clothing she sees(or even her skin) perfectly, to allow her to blend in and adapt(Thankfully, it is self repairing). All of her effects are stored within the "A-Type Timepiece". Void Shields: A shielding system from the Timepiece that displaces what hits it by putting it in another location, thus avoiding the attack altogether. Further, this shielding can be used for short or long term teleportation. This function is outdated, so the drawbacks are a serious problem. This ability comes from the timepiece. A-Type Timepiece: A piece of equipment that looks like a simple Golden Pocketwatch from the outside. The inside of the watch is non-euclidean in nature, and a shard of "The Looking Glass" with an alignment toward "Time" is embedded within. This gives it the capacity to produce "time grenades" that can be used like most types of explosives(Grenades, mines, etc.). Upon remote detonation, time can be altered within the bubble, such as speeding it up, slowing it down, stopping time, or even reversing it. The range and amount of manipulation depends upon the limitations put upon the universe in which White is in. Without limitations, this ability becomes extremely powerful. Further, she is capable of producing any of these effects around the Timepiece itself, thus targeting herself. (It also acts as computer/VI and information gathering tool, and is connected to the stealth suit to that effect) [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Because they have trained so much with their skills and weaponry, they are incapable of using what are essentially basic abilities of their race, such as manipulating vectors, using "magick", or manipulating their body in a variety of ways to make it into a monstrous weapon. Further, their void shielding is outdated; when they wish to teleport that deactivates their shielding; and vice versa. Over use of teleportation can lead to inaccuracy in where they "land". Further, they cannot just blindly teleport without any data on where they're going. Void shields, while very potent, only work on ranged attacks; it does nothing to melee attacks, unless their area of effect is insane. [b]Bio:[/b] The White Rabbit is an agent and Herald of the White Court. She is a being who takes over the consciousness of others to move through worlds or survive death. Thus, the body she inhabits is that of another race, called the Lemurians. However, most of her race have inhabited the Lemurians for a very, very long time, after their last exodus and flight from peril(And are thus simply called "Lemurians"). As such, this body is the one she was born into, and it thus is not "alive" in a sentient sense. She has acted as a member of the White Court for some time, and she seems to be one of the favorites of the White Queen. Because of this, the amount of weaponry and resources she has access to is disappropriate to other members of the Court with her rank. She is a veteran of many missions but has found no deeper calling in life despite all of this. That could be called her truest objective. [b]Theme Song:[/b] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zxEOIRQwd4