Rosa gave a smile. So far this girl seemed to be giving the right answers. "I'm Rosa! I'm a werebear!" Rosa stated introducing herself with a toothy smile. The winged girl wouldn't be bullied, she would be safe. "Tell me have you ever considered trying to play Baseball? I bet you would be good at it!" Rosa said with a smile as she put a hand around the girls shoulder. As Rosa got happier and happier others would be able to see bear ears come up on top of her head. One thing that Rosa had a hard time controling was those ears of hers. She wasn't sure if she would ever be free of this trait, but she honestly didn't care. As Rosa finished talking she looked up smelling the air. One scent in particular stood out, one that she hated. It was the smell of a Lycan. Rosa knew that there would end up being atleast one Lycan, but it was still something she couldn't stand. Throughout history the werewolves has been beating down on the werebears, saying that strength wasn't everything and calling them weak. Rosa had actually been bullied by Lycans in the past, not to mention her father having to constantly apologize for Rosa eventually hitting the werewolves. Rosa hated that the most, Werebears should bow to no one, especially not the weak Lycans. Across the room Rosa was glaring at the Lycan, her eyes filled with hatred for the creature. [@Aspen Wren][@Termott]